Chapter 1: Meet

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"I can't carry her upon my shoulders
I can't even walk on my own
Maybe when she's older she'll know "

-Jett Rebel, "When she's older"


Just like every other morning I started the day with tea and toast. My mom always made sure the toast was ready by the time I'd be downstairs. Covered in a thick layer of butter, steaming on a plate with a jar of jam with a spoon next to it. My dad usually as gone before I even woke up.

"Good morning mom", I said walking into the kitchen. "You're late", she said while putting a cup of tea in front of me. I was late, but I could still make it on time, I thought. Like every sixteen-year-old, I was lazy and didn't worry much about things like being on time.

After finishing my breakfast, I put on my all black converse and grabbed my backpack. "Bye mom, I'm off to school!" Without waiting of an answer, I left the house. The bus stop was only 5 minutes away. Twenty-one minutes past eight. I had to be in my class at half past eight. A little tight, I know. I was just in time to catch the last bus.

I seated myself in the back of the bus, where no one would notice me. I put my backpack next to me so no one would bother sitting next to me. The whole busride I looked outside, wondering what everyone else thought about during the dull busrides to school. Twenty-eight minutes past eight. The bus arrived in front of the school. All the kids were pushing each other through the narrow doors of the school bus, squishing me out. One kid even almost made me trip. Who cares about me anyway?

The bell rang just when I walked into the school building. I put my jacket and some books in my locker, then rushed to English class. The biggest parts of the hallways were empty, so I was late, like my mother predicted.

I stepped into the classroom, all the eyes looking at me. Mrs Lee, our English teacher, looked up from the chalkboard she was writing on. She looked at me with disappointment. "Alright then, take your seat. Next time you will get punished!", she said and gestured to my seat. "I'm sorry miss Lee, it won't happen again", I said and walked towards my seat in the front left of the class where I normally sat alone with my bag next to me, but my seat was taken. Big blue eyes stared into mine.

I took my seat and unpacked my books while I analysed the rather odd looking guy sitting in my seat. I had never seen him before and he didn't look quite familiar. His hair was ravenblack and cut in a fringe like mine, but mirrored. He wore black skinny jeans and a colorful blue shirt with Galaga figures on it. And the most odd thing: he wore a purple hat with pom poms. According to his notebook, his name was "Philip L.".

"Hi, uhm, Philip? I don't think we have met yet. I'm Dan", I whispered, hoping Mrs Lee wouldn't hear me. "Please call me Phil. Nice meeting you.", he said and turned back to Mrs Lee's lesson again, trying to pay attention. "Are you new here?", I continued. He still faced me with his back but I saw him nod. "Want to sit with me in lunch?", I asked, he nodded again.

When the bell rang, the talking about adjectives finally stopped. I went to my next class, again sitting in the front of the class.

After a few hours I could finally rest during lunch break. Phil said he would have lunch with me, but we didn't talk about a place where we would meet. I mainly asked him because I usually sat alone, and I assumed he would be alone now too, seen the fact he just moved here. I sat at an empty table, hoping he would show up. The cafeteria slowly got fuller and fuller. Still no Phil. I refused to get up to buy food, if I stood up I could lose my table, I didn't want to do that.

Eventually I gave up and went to the bathroom, where I usually sat at lunch. There, I heard sobbing coming out of one of the stalls. Underneath the stall I saw a purple and light blue backpack. Phil's backpack. "Phil?", I asked while slowly opening the door. "Go away!"

I sat next to him on the floor. "Did-didn't you hear me?", he stuttered. "I waited for you in the caferetia. Why are you crying here alone?" I kind of recognized myself in him. I used to be the person who was sitting alone in one of the bathroom stalls, crying. "Nobody likes me. I sit alone almost every class. People think I'm weird and the worst of all, I have no friends", he said while a new flow of tears came. "I'd like to be your friend", I said and stood up. I held out my hand to pull him up. "Do you like gaming?", I asked. He nodded shyly. "We could go to my place after school if you want to. Meet me in front of the school?" He smiled. It was the first time I saw him smiling, and damn he was pretty cute.

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