Chapter 7: Hold

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[ Trigger warning! Oh yes! ]

Summer break started. Phil and I were both more confident about what we had. Even though we didn't start holding hands at school yet (except under the desks of course), mainly because we went to a Christian school. But this summer, would be our summer.

We met up at our local Starbucks at two o'clock. It was a nice day, it was about twenty-four degrees and there were no clouds to be seen. I was early, as usual.

I already ordered a Chai Tea Latte and sat down at one of the tables. I took my phone out of my pocket. Eight past two. Phil was late, so I decided to text him.

"Hi love, where are you? I haven't seen you yet. I'm getting worried. Xx Dan."

Phil never was late. Especially when we did something together. I started drinking my tea, even though I actually refused to because Phil wasn't here yet. I sat here for almost half an hour anyway.

I got dragged out of my - slightly mad - thoughts by my phone vibrating in my pocket. I let out a sigh of relief and answered the call. "Phil, finally! Where are you?", I asked.

"Please, Dan, don't worry about me. And I'm at home, why you ask?"

What? At home? How could he be at home? Did he forget? "At home? I already am at Starbucks."

"Oh no, I am sorry Dan, I forg-", he tried to say but I interupted him. "Nevermind Phil. Leave it", I said and hung up, without even waiting for an answer.

I kicked a chair out of anger. Everyone looked at me. It wasn't my fault. My phone buzzed.

"I'm so sorry Dan. I was busy studying and totally forgot about the time and our date. Sorry. x P."

I ignored it and didn't respond. I just couldn't stand it when people were late and just left me on my own. Perhaps because I was home alone that much and I actually seeked for attention out there. I needed love like everyone else. I just did not know where or how to get it.

I went home, walking. Even if I was home, I'd still be alone. I put in my earphones and started my Muse playlist. I was blindly walking when I got another text.

"Dan, I know it's my fault. Please don't be mad. x P."

Hmpf. I may have overreacted a bit. But still, Phil was too late. Even worse, he forgot. I might just say sorry to him. I didn't know what to believe in anymore. And I hated myself for the way I talked to Phil. He didn't deserve that. I decided to give Phil a quick call. I took my phone out of my pocket and went to my recent phone calls...

Boom, flash. Struck. Hit. Wave of vomit. Pounding. Screaming, crying. Another wave. Sirenes. Death? No. Pain. Shock. Darkness. Headache. Sour, bitter. Trees. Sky. More flashes. More vomit. Dizzy? Yes. Pain. Black. Empty. Smoke.


[ Phil's POV, don't get confused ]

I still hadn't got a text back and I started to worry. I knew he was mad, of course he was, I would be too. It stayed weird. He even confessed to me he never could be really mad at me. Not for long at least. He knows how much I love him, and he loved me.

He probably stayed at Starbucks a little longer, or he just came across someone he knew and talked a little.

I sighed. Something didn't quite feel right about the situation. I actually expected a text back by the time. I didn't know if I did anything wrong. After all, it's not about doing things right, it's about doing the right things.

Eventually, I decided to text Dan. I might seem a bit clingy because I actually spammed him with texts until he replied.

"I'll make you hot chocolate at my place. Please come. I'll be here waiting. x P."

I sighed once more and walked downstairs to ask my mom if it was okay if Dan came over. I checked my phone. "That's weird", I mumbled. "No delivery report of my text yet?"

I tried to call Dan, but he didn't recieve the call. Odd. When I tried to call again, I got a call myself. It wasn't Dan, it was his mother.

"Hello? Is this Phil?", she said, her voice sounded like she was trembling. "Yes it is me. What's the matter?", I asked. "Well uhm, Dan. He has been hit b-by a...", she stuttered. "...a car", I finished her sentence. "Is he...?", I was scared to ask this question.

I felt my legs turn into pudding. I collapsed down onto the ground, onto my knees. "Oh no, he is still alive but he's in the hospital, don't worry my dear. They told me he has a concussion, a broken arm and possibly a broken rib. They're still examining him. He is unconscious, but I think he would love it if you'd be here, as his best friend", she told me. I was just speechless.

It was all my fault. If I just remembered that stupid date he wouldn't be mad at me. "Phil? Are you still there sweety?"

I totally forgot I was on the phone. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm just... shocked. I'll be on my way."

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