Chapter 8: Lost

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[ Dan's POV again. Also: mindfuck ]

It was so scary. Everything sounded like I was underwater. I felt numb. And my head, damn my head hurt.

I couldn't breathe normally and I felt like I was choking. Everything was dark and gloomy. I felt people touching me, dragging my body away and shouting, but I saw nothing happening

All I saw around me were trees, lots of them, they were dead. At least, they appeared rather lifeless. There was no organism to be seen, except for me and some crows in the trees and a few flying around.

The pounding in my head continued while I walked around in the dark forest. The air looked like it could rain any second. My trousers were dirty and ripped, just like my thoughts. I couldn't think properly, nor could I concentrate.

I fell, and fell, and fell, but I kept walking. I had no idea why, but I just had the feeling I had to go deeper into the woods. I knew it wasn't the first or best option, but I just felt some kind of force pulling me into there.

"Hang in there, you'll make it, babe", I heard a familiar voice say (still underwater). I shivered. Who was that? It sure was familiar, it was soothing and trustable in some way.

I kept walking but my feet were stuck into the mud. My head still wasn't clear or without pain. "Keep walking Daniel", I said to myself, and kept walking. I was exhausted. I had to go there. It kept pulling me. Keep walking Dan.

Waves of bitterness kept flowing through my mouth and nose at some times. I didn't see anything come out and fall onto the ground, rather it looked like it came out like smoke or a ghost. It looked light and fluffy, but felt dense and heavy. I almost choked.

"It'll be okay, I promiss", the soothing voice said. Something supported my head. I felt fingers stroking my hand. I looked down but again, saw nothing. The air cleared up and it actually became sunny.

I took a deep breath and fastened my pace. I tried to run but I almost seemed to go back. "I will win this fight. I won't lose again."

"He's moving! He is pinching his eyes together!"

Moving? Of course I was moving, I was damn running! And running, I kept. It felt like I was passing the same spot over and over, like the forest was donut-shaped and although it felt like you were walking straight, you were actually walking in circkles. Actually like all difficult situations in life. Trying to get out may be harder than you think. You just have to know which path take and think smart.

Smart huh? Think. I closed my eyes, breathed slowly and tried to concentrate. And it worked.

In a flash everything was white. The room was unknown. Every object I saw. It was dark, the only light reaching the room were the lights in the hallway, yet it was less dark than the place that I came from.

My lips were dry, so was my mouth. My nose was painful and there was something in it. Tubes. Everything was painful. I moaned out of pain. My arm felt heavier than usual and hard. If that wasn't enough, I also felt nauseous.

I looked to my right - with difficulty - and saw Phil, sleeping in a chair with a blanket pulled up to his chin. I smiled but immediately regret it when I tasted the blood of my cracked lips. I looked down to my body. My arms were laid straight next to me and my left arm was covered in a cast. I tried my best to remember why or how I got here.

"Phil...", I whispered. My throat hurt so much. He didn't hear me. "Hey doofus", I tried again, this time succes. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned. As soon as it hit him that I was awake, his eyes widened. "Oh Dan, oh I am so glad you are finally awake...", he said with a shaky voice like he was about to cry. He cupped my cheek and kissed me on my forehead. "Gentle", I reminded him. "Sorry, I am just so glad you are finally, finally awake."

"For how long was I asleep? What happened?", I asked, hesitating if I really wanted to know. Phil took a breath. "You got hit by a car. Witnesses say you were on your phone, angry. You crossed the road and wasn't paying attention. You have a concussion and you have been sleeping fir the past 5 days. You threw up a lot, you were close to dehydration", he explained. I was confused. What would I had been mad about? "You weren't with me?", I asked. He wiped away a tear. Just one tear, then smiled it away. "No I wasn't", he said and shook his head. "Although I wish I was. I feel like it is my fault. Look at you now, being all crumpled and stuff. My little Daniel", he said and sighed. "Also uhm... your phone got a bit craked. Once you were hit, your phone basically flew into the air into a million pieces."

"Shit. And my arm?", I finally asked. "Got broken. You also have a bruised rib. And yeah, your face I guess. They couldn't save it anymore. They did everything." My concern grew. "My face?"

He put a mirror in front of my face and let the back face me. "Whenever you are ready, I'll turn it around. It may come as a shock fo you. But remember, I love you no matter what. Ready?", he asked. I sighed. "Yes."

He turned the mirror around, but I saw nothing more than just my regular face with a few little scabs on my nose and lips. "You cock!", I insulted him and burst into laughter. I wanted to playfully hit him, but I knew that if I moved even the slightliest bit, I'd feel pain.

"I'd better call your parents you woke up. They'll love to see that pretty face again, not the lifeless one I saw the past few days", he said and chuckled. "How come my parents aren't here?", I curiously asked. "They visited you every day like I did, but I refused to leave. I actually wasn't allowed to but they made an exception for me. Mainly because I also helped out with catching your vomit in tupperware so you wouldn't choke", he explained.

"That's why I care so much about you, Phil."

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