"Yeah. She's trying to save as much lung tissue as possible," Yang explained.

"Doesn't make up for pushy and rude,"

"No,it doesn't,"

Mark walked out of the gallery as Erica continued with her surgery when he saw Reyansh walking towards one of the on-call rooms, he looked a little disheveled as he looked around. The Trauma surgeon took a look around to check if anyone was watching him, his hand was on the door handle and after making sure that no one was watching him, he entered the on-call room. Now it wouldn't have been so suspicious if it hadn't been for another surgeon entering the on-call room after him, the surgeon swallowed before entering the room. Mark walked towards the on-call room discretely, trying best to not look suspicious, he could hear the voices coming from inside the room, he was familiar with those voices as he was often on the other side of the door. He backed away from the door and went on a mission to find Renee, he needed to tell her about what he had heard and seen, he knew he wasn't the best person to comment on cheating but he knew that he gotta do what he had to do.  

"Ren, I need to talk to you," Mark said as he found her at one of the many coffee carts at the hospital, she had a coffee cup in her hand and a sandwich in other which she was trying to eat as fast as she could.

"Not right now, I have a surgery in about 15 minutes and I still have to scrub in," she shrugged it off as she started walking in the direction of the OR2, Mark followed her desperately trying to make her understand.

"No but you have to hear me now,"

"No, Mark, I don't have time for your silly talking, I have an important surgery and I should have been there two minutes earlier but I couldn't and that's because of you,"


"Excuse me, Dr Sloan, but the surgery is going to save someone's life unlike a facelift,"

"Low Blow!!" 

Renee was outside the scrub room after the surgery, the surgery was considered a success, they just had to wait till the patient wakes up and then the next step, radiation or chemo, would be decided. She held tightly to the sink as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, she was exhausted, her nights weren't going smooth even though Ilaria was now sleeping peacefully at night, Renee found it difficult to sleep at night. Sometimes, even when she was physically exhausted her brain would refuse to let her sleep, recently she was having flash backs from New York, the Mark and Addison thing, the entire night would play as her in third person. She found it much easier to forgive Mark than it was to forgive Addison, she didn't know if it was because she had expected Mark to cheat on her at some point ot because she had considered Addison her sister. Addison had tried to contact her and left messages for Renee but Renee couldn't find it herself to reply to Addison's messages. Seeing Mark everyday made it much more difficult to forgive him but deep down somewhere, she knew she hadn't fully forgiven Mark and she was hurt by his actions but a small part of her, a very small part, felt guilty for moving on. 

"Ren, you free for drinks?" Callie asked her as she joined Renee who was going to pick up Ilaria.

"We could go to my place for drinks. I have to pick Ilaria up. I heard the Chief's not happy with you?"

"I can't do the Chief resident's duties and Bailey does it better than me and she doesn't let me forget that,"

"You gotta believe in yourself, you're the best surgeon Ortho has," Renee assured Callie as they entered the elevator where they found Mark inside who greeted them with a shake of his head.

"Ren, I need to-"

"Not today, I am exhausted, I still have to get home, cook food for me and the baby, god knows that girl's a picky eater,"

"But listen-"

"Mark please, can we deal with this tomorrow?" Renee asked as she and Callie got off the elevator, Mark just sighed as he nodded his head angrily.

"Fine, I'll have so much fun telling you 'I told you so,'"

Callie was sprawled on Renee's couch, a glass of wine in her hand while she watched Renee cook dinner for them, they had to stop for groceries on the way out along with some baby proofing supplies. It was nice, some free time as Callie drawled over her life decisions, marrying George being one of them, the glass of wine in her hand was a dangerous weapon if someone wanted to bring out all of Callie's dark secrets.

"You know what would I call my autobiography?" She asked Renee suddenly. The oncologist looked up and smiled as she pretended to be interested in Callie's question, she looked over at Callie to see the Ortho surgeon waiting patiently for her answer.

"I don't know, what would it be?"

"Callie's Biggest Mistakes,"

"Original," Renee commented.

"Isn't it?" Renee laughed as Callie got up and walked towards the kitchen counter, stumbling a little. 

"What's wrong, Callie?"

"I just don't think I can do this Chief Resident shit, Bailey's doing it much better than me and I can't even concentrate on my surgeries any more,"

"How about this, you have dinner, take a nice relaxing bath, and a nice long nap?" Renee suggested instantly realising how good that sounds.

"Can I use your Chanel shower gel?"

"Uh...yeah, sure, just...don't...finish it," 

Renee waited for Callie to finish her bath, she was laying on the couch with Ilaira sleeping on her stomach, neither of them realised when they had fallen asleep. Callie walked out of the bathroom, freshly bathed and she smelled wonderful, she dried her hair when she saw Renee sleeping with the baby, Renee had yet to have dinner but Callie left her to sleep as she picked up a comforter and placed it over both of them and placed a few pillows around them before settling into one of the armchairs. She looked over one of the desk which had some photographs which included a much younger Renee with three other people, two of them were adults while the third person was around the age of Renee, under the frame was written, The Willis Family. Another one had all her friends, however one of the photos which was hidden behind everything included Mark looking at the camera with a ring box in his hand, he had a huge smile on his face.

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