Ore whined. "I am not the one ehhn, ask Martha."

Martha laughed softly. "Abeg Mercy no look me ooo, you know say na Ore thief the cake."

Mercy smiled evily and purposely served Martha four pieces, all medium sized. Ore took a peak at the cake and was about stretching to collect one when Martha slapped her hand.

"Come on, don't touch!" She warned.

Ore fell on her bed and groaned.

Ore was stepping out to get something from a shop nearby when she saw Dami leaning to talk to Philip by the side of his car. She cleaned her eyes to ensure she wasn't dreaming and lurched to where they were standing. The guy was impeccably dressed in a suit and tie with his hair neatly brushed.

"Philip, you brought back my baby," she squealed pulling Dami into a hug and kissing him sensually on the lips. The guy pulled back with widened eyes.

"Why didn't you call me?" she queried Philip raising her voice.

"Actually," Philip started. "That's his twin brother, Michael."

"What?" Ore's mouth rounded in an 'o'. "Dami never told me he had a twin brother!"

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she turned to the guy she had just openly kissed. Michael appraised her and stretched out his hand for a handshake. She clasped his palm firmly and gave a shaky smile.

"How are you guys so alike?" She quizzed shocked. Even the scent of their perfume was the same.

"Ummm," Michael scratched the stubble on his chin. "I guess we are identical twins, anyway, I just flew in from London as an intermediary for the kidnappers since my parents aren't available." Ore didn't understand a word Michael said because of his foreign accent.

"I am not sure I get it," Ore mouthed to Philip for an explanation.

Philip snickered. "What he meant was that, he is going to be the one delivering the ransom money to the kidnappers. The police will just be by the side watching."

"Ahhh," Ore realized. "And when are you guys planing on doing that?"

"First thing tomorrow morning." Michael slipped a hand cooly into his pocket, sporting a deep set dimple on his handsome face. Ore gulped. This wasn't the time to be ogling Dami's fine ass brother when his own arse was in danger.

"I just came to inform you about that," Philip sighed getting round to open the car door. "Michael needs to gather enough energy for tomorrow." Ore nodded in understanding.

"Will you be going along with him?" She asked, her chirpy voice laced with worry.

"Nahhh, they need just a family member to deliver the money to them." Michael got into the passenger's seat and Ore caught him loosening his tie. The exact tattoo on Dami's neck was on his hand.

Philip was telling Ore how the operation would go but she wasn't listening. She was studying Dami's twin and trying to piece the resemblance in their actions. Dami always flung his phone on the dashboard anytime he couldn't wrap his head around something but Michael didn't do that. He was calm and collected, his concentration on his lighted screen.

When he raised his head up and looked at Ore, the hurt and anger at his brother being kidnapped reflected in his eyes.

"Just protect him, he is a part of Dami and we wouldn't want having two kidnaps on our hands, would we?" Ore peeled her gaze away from Michael to stare at Philip.

"Sure," Philip conceded. He got into the driver's side and slammed the car door. Ore waved until the headlights was out of sight. She sighed heavily, tears gathering in her eyes. She had been trying to fight it but she missed Dami. She could only hope and pray that he would come back safe to her.

When Ore got back to her room, she plopped on her bed and unplugged her phone from charge. Then, she began recounting the incident of her kissing Dami's brother to Martha who was studying maths.

"Oooh my, I didn't see that coming. Was he cute?" Martha giggled placing a hand on her jaw and sighing dreamily.

Ore laughed. "Course he was cute. But he made me miss Dami even more." Ore wiped a stray tear that escaped from her eyelids and shook as a wave of nausea hit her. She rushed outside to throw up on the carpeted grass. Martha was behind her the same minute, rubbing her back to calm her down.

"Ore, what's going on?" She panicked.

Ore spat on the floor and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I think I am pregnant," she muttered shakily.

Martha's eyes widened like saucers.

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