Chapter Two- Double Mark ✔️

Start from the beginning

"Mom, I just turned 16. They are 20. Did they know they were my mates?"

Mom looks over her shoulder and replies, "you will have to ask them that. I just know until you got your wolf you would not know. It is against pack law to tell your mate you are theirs until your wolf comes out."

I sigh and wring my hands together. "I know they are leaving to go to the academy with Issac next month right after their 21st birthday. I am confused and feeling overwhelmed," I exclaimed. I then took a deep breath and slowly exhale again. "I think I want to shower instead of taking a bath. Then after I clean up. I want to find and talk with them."

"Young lady, you were double marked last night and will feel light headed for a day or two because of the double marking." She turns off the bath water and unstopps the plug. You can go shower as long as I stay in the area to make sure you don't fall. Then you will lay down after your shower. Once you make yourself presentable and are back in bed. I will have Brett and Bryan come up and visit with you."

"Thanks mom." I start to undress and ask, "what should I wear?"

"I will grab you something. I will also change your bedding while you shower. I am leaving the bathroom door open just in case you feel dizzy and need help."

A few minutes later I hear mom say as I am under the shower letting the water splash across my body. "I found what you can wear. I placed your hello kitty nighty with a matching robe on the bathroom counter. You can wear that to talk with the boys." [photo at beginning of chapter.]

"Thank you mom." I started scrubbing my body and took a leisurely shower. I shaved myself. Then climbed out of the shower. I towel dry and applied lotion. After that I dried my hair.

It was while blow drying my hair I noticed the mark again on the side of my neck right behind my left ear. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and picked up a hand mirror. I used the hand mirror to look at it better.

I grab my phone and take a photo of it. I now can see it better. I stare at the photo for several minutes. It was a partial circle with 2 wolves heads. One was howling and the other observing. With their names. It was a beautiful mark that represented them so well. I knew Bryan usually talked more while Brett would think before he did actions.

I thought to myself, "marks are weird. I was sure they bit my neck on opposite sides. Yet this mark shows up on just the left side of my neck/shoulder blade."

Mom called out, "are you ok?"

"Yeah mom. I just got distracted by my mark."

She walks in and smiles. "It is beautiful, but time to finish drying off and get ready for bed.

I reluctantly put my phone down. I put on my nighty and just carried my robe. I laid my robe on the bed and phone on the nightstand. I went and climbed into bed. I look around and notice candles had been lit and soft music playing in the background.

Mom said, "I will send the boys up with some food and drink. Let them feed you. Let them pamper you. We talked about mating in the past. Do you have any questions?"

My face went red with embarrassment and I shook my head no. She kissed my forehead. "Have a good evening and remember the rooms are soundproof." She winked as she walks out of the room and closes the door.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I called out, "come in." Brett opens the door and Bryan pushes a trolley filled with a bunch of finger foods: mini chicken parm egg rolls, bacon wrapped shrimp, pigs in a blanket, cranberry Brie bites, mozzarella bites, bruschetta, bacon and apple crostini, mini chicken salad bacon wraps, mini bacon quiche, mini spinach quiche, fresh fruit in a chocolate dipping sauce, fresh vegetables in a salad dressing dip, petit four cakes and mini cheese cakes. Plus I saw a pitcher of ice water and peach sweet tea. Once Bryan is through the door Brett closes it. I hear the door lock. I glanced up at them both and gave a tentative smile. Then glanced down and noticed my hands were playing with the edge of my sheet.

Brett said, "your mom said you would wake up feeling tired, but hungry. We made all these foods with her and our mom's guidance. They rolled the trolley up to the bed.

Bryan looked at me, "can we join you on the bed and feed you?" I started to say I could feed myself but I remembered what mom said.

"What if we move the food out to the balcony? I have a lounge chair there and we won't get any crumbs on the bed. You could both feed me there and maybe I can feed you too?"

They smiled and Brett started pushing the trolley toward the balcony. I stood up and pretended to feel dizzy as I put my robe on. Bryan quickly helps me with my robe and then scooped me up. He carried me bridal style and set me on the lounge on my balcony.

Bryan ran in and grabbed a blanket that was draped on a chair in my room and a couple beanbags. He covered me up and they both plopped down on the bean bags. One on each side of me. Then they reached up and each grabbed a plate and started taking turns feeding me. I would take some from their plates and give them bites. Every now and then a piece would get on my chin or lips and they would clean it off with a kiss. I admit I started intentionally leaving crumbs.

Bryan smirked when he noticed another crumb of food. He looked at his brother and said, "I think our mate is intentionally leaving crumbs." My face goes red and I look down.

Brett reaches over and lifts my face up. He looks me in the eye and replies to his brother, "she doesn't need to leave crumbs for us to kiss away." He then leans over and brushes a light kiss on me. Then resumes feeding me.

When the food was all gone Bryan rolled the trolley out into the hall. Brett carried me to the restroom. I blushed and he left me there while I did my business. I then brush my teeth and wash off my face and hands.

I came out of the restroom Bryan went in and Brett swooped me up to carry me to the bed. He carefully laid me down. He helps remove my robe. Then tucks me into bed. He leans over and kisses me.

When Bryan came out, he was wearing a robe. He no longer has on his clothes from earlier. Brett went into the restroom.

Bryan before he climbs into bed went around and blew out the candles. "I want to make sure you're safe." He then went to the balcony. He grabs the blanket and bean bags. He tosses them in the corner. He closes and locks the door. He went to make sure the bedroom door was locked from where he rolled out the trolley into the hall while I was in the bathroom. He walked over to one side of the bed, "may I join you?"

I nod yes, and he removed his robe. I noticed he was just wearing tight black boxer briefs. I looked up toward the ceiling and he climbed under the sheets beside me. I know once again my face is red. He leaned over and kissed me. I turned toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss deepened.

I then felt movement behind me. Brett says, "it is remarkable." I shuddered when I felt a kiss on the mark they had left. We spent a couple hours just snuggling and I took turns kissing them.

I could feel my arousal, but Brett said, "we will go no farther tonight. Tomorrow we will take you to my grandparents old home. They gave it to us a couple years ago and we remodeled it when they moved into the pack house with other Elders. Tomorrow we will move you into our house."

"I would love to, but I can't."

"Are you rejecting us?," they asked. I looked up and could see hurt in their eyes.

"No," I quickly reassured, "but mom said from dad's research that I will need to spend at least a couple days in bed because a double mark will make me dizzy and light headed."

"We don't want to upset our new mother-in-law. Plus we don't want you to get dizzy and pass out again. You scared us last night when it happened Alpha said it is normal. We will still have the pack doctor examine you tomorrow. Until then we will pamper you. Now let's turn out the light and go to sleep."

They turn out the light and after a few minutes I ask, "can you at least tell me about our home?"

They each kiss a cheek and say, "in the morning. Now it's time to sleep."


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