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I burst through the doors of the police station and no one even tries to stop me. Detective Gates sees me and tries to calm me down but I am livid. It doesn't even feel like me anymore. Even my fingertips are burning with anger. They finally caught the guy that helped me get raped and your going to tell me you're letting him go? They have another thing coming. Screw the letting it go because I''m happy thing. That was before they found him.I slam my hand on the desk nearest to me. "You are keeping him here and he's going to rot!" I scream with so much venom I'm scared myself. If it was possible, my eyes would be on fire. My whole face is hot. I've never wanted anything more in my life than for him to be locked up. "You will not let him go! You will find evidence and he will rot in prison until he dies!" I can't believe I just said that. My brain is telling me to shut up but my mouth wants to make me look like a fool. "Where is he?" I growl."We can't show you where he is when you're this angry." Detective Gates says.I laugh. When a girl laughs when angry, that's when you should be scared. "You really want to mess with me right now? I'm literally two seconds from blowing up. I am carrying two children because of this man and his sick partner. I suggest you tell me where he is before I take that gun and shoot everyone in here." I've never been more serious in my life. I know I wouldn't get far but I'm that angry. I need to see this man.Without speaking, he shows me to where he is. I look through the window thing that only works one way. It's him. That's the guy that almost hit me with his car.My heart is beating so fast. I can't even see straight I'm so mad. I open the door and as soon as he sees me, he gets up. I push him into the wall, hard. Detective Gates tries to get me off him but I won't budge. I'm literally blinded by anger. My arm is holding him against the wall by his neck. He tries to push me off but I'm too strong. "You only get girls when they aren't looking, right?" I say in his face. The words come out with venom. He looks terrified. It takes 3 cops and Detective Gates to finally get me off him. They handcuff me to the table but one hand is free. "Your handcuffing the wrong person!" I yell at them. They all ignore me. Two cops walk out and one cop stands in the corner by the door. Detective Gates looks at me. "Look, we usually don't do this but your case is special. Your lucky we're even letting you see him. ESPECIALLY after that just now. One more outburst like that and you're out of here. Got it?" I roll my eyes and nod.I look at the man. He disgusts me. He has a smirk on his lips as if something is funny. "I'm sorry but is something funny?" I ask mock innocently."I get to go free in two days and you'll be stuck having to live with it." I grip the side of my chair. I look down to see that my knuckles are white."So, was it your dad? A coworker? A friend? Cousin? Brother? Who is he?""I didn't tell these cops so why would I tell you?" he says with so much hate.I think for a moment. Detective Gates is sitting at the head of the table looking between the both of us. He looks ready to go if something else happens.Finally I speak. "Know what I find funny?"He laughs. "What's that baby doll?"I grip my seat tighter. Don't let him irritate you. Don't let him irritate you. "You didn't even rape me. Your partner did and yet here you are in a police station and he's free." His smile slowly fades as realization comes. "So," I lean closer. "why don't you tell me where he is?" I narrow my eyes.He looks like he's about to spill. I am literally on the edge of my seat waiting for his reply. Even Detective Gates is anxious. Finally he speaks, "Screw you."That's it. I reach from across the table, grab his shirt and slap him across the face. All with one hand. The cops quickly try to get me off. I'm uncuffed and rushed out the room. But before any of that happens, right after I slapped him, he said something. He said, "I win."

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