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Jeanette's P.O.V."What?" I ask in disbelief. I can't believe my ears as he tells me why."N-no! Stop! Hailey is your girlfriend! Not only is she your girlfriend but just a week ago you said you were the father!" I don't know why I'm getting so mad. I shouldn't but I am. I'm pissed. Sure he had good reasons but Hailey needs us. We all committed. It's too late to back out. She can't back out so neither should we! And really? Right now? When you just moved into her house!?""That's easy for you to say!" he yells back. Adrian comes out and tells us to calm down."Look man, whatever has you upset, you need to go tell her. Get it out in the open for a better future." Adrian advises.Shaun walks in and gestures for us to follow. He looks at Hailey and so begins the longest night of my life.Hailey's P.O.V."We have to talk." Shaun begins after zoning out for 10 minutes just a couple minutes ago then talking to Jeanette instead of me.I slowly get up. I'm really a small girl and my stomach is weighing me down. I have trouble getting up sometimes. I am 5 months along now."No. Sit. I want everyone to know." he says holding up his hand to me.I look over at Jeanette and Adrian. Adrian looks just as worried as I am. Jeanette looks like pissed. He obviously already told her."Hailey, you know I love you. You know that. And I love the kid too. Or kids. You know that too. But... I don't think I can do this." he says. My whole body freezes. I open my mouth but the words can't form. I can't even think properly. Is he breaking up with me? Leaving me at a time like this? He takes my silence as an advantage and keeps going. "Throughout the rape and when you told me about your pregnancy, I've been nothing but supportive. Most guys would've been out the door. But I stayed. When you said the stuff about the people at school, you were right. They will say things about you an I. And I don't think I'm ready for that. It's not fair to me. It's not even my kid-" That hit home. That snapped me to reality. I slap him across the face. Hard."How dare you!?" I yell at the top of my lungs. "Do you think i'm excited for school!? If I could, I would miss the rest of the school year! I don't want to go back either but I know I have to. I told you from the very beginning I don't expect anything from you but you said you loved me and wanted to stay!" In the back of my mind, I never wanted to admit it but I knew this was coming. I knew it. Nothing is that perfect. I thought our relationship was. I knew it was too good to be true."That's a lie! You expect everything from me! How do you think I'm gonna feel going to school and people saying things about me?! I'm not ready for it. It's not fair to me and my life. I had no idea that when I asked you to be my girlfriend I was getting into this!""Neither did I! I didn't want this! But you know what? I realize that I do. I love these kids growing inside me. I can't wait to watch them grow up. Want to know why I'm doing it? I lied before when I said it felt right. It's because I wanted them to be like you!" I can tell this catches him off guard. "You're supportive, amazing, loving, caring. If I had a boy, I wanted to make sure he would never grow up to be his father! A freaking rapist! I wanted him to grow up like you. But I guess it was all just a lie right?" hot tears fall from my eyes and shower my face. "Everything you fed me was a lie right? Saying your the father in front of my parents? Coming to the visits? Helping me decorate the rooms? Pick out names? Buying me stuff for my cravings? Letting me live with you? Us finally do it? It was all a lie huh? And perfect timing by the way! You only JUST moved into MY house!""If you think it was lie then you really are an idiot. I could never fake loving you. But I'm 16! It's not right that my whole life is being taken away. My parents were right. I'm a sophomore. I didn't get to experience life yet. We're not 30 years old! I'm supposed to worry about kids then. Not now. We're growing up too fast. Me, you, Adrian, Jeanette. We're all growing up too fast. I feel like I'm 56 not 16! This is tiring me out. I'm not an adult. I'm in high school. I want to have fun. Go out to parties, drive wherever I want, not care about my future. I want to have a high school life. Your taking my ONLY high school experience away. Sure Jeanette and Adrian are involved but not nearly as involved as I am. I'm the so called father. Me! Not them!" he's fuming. His face is getting red and he's screaming at top volume. This only makes me angrier. "Who's going to get dirty looks in the halls? Who's going to get called names because I'm with a 'filthy whore'? Who's going to have to put up with it? That's going to kill me! You-"I cut him off. "I'm sorry if I don't fit into your plan of the perfect life. I'm sorry I got pregnant by some guy taking advantage of me. I'm sorry I messed up your whole life. Happy now? I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry!" I think the tears burned off. My face is so hot. I'm so angry. I've never been angrier in my whole life. Not even after everything happened. I'm more upset than I was with my parents about the abortion. I didn't even know I could be this mad. This can't be good energy for the babies but I'm too consumed in this fight to care. "And how dare you talk to me about nasty looks?" I say taking steps closer to him. "Do you know what it's like to have your own father look at you like your disgusting? He hasn't talked to me in days! He's ruined my whole family! He's never home because he's looking for that monster. I tried to get him to stop. I gave up. The cops gave up. He won't. He's intent on finding him. I'm over it because I'm going to have 2 new joys in 4 months. I go to him and he looks at me like I'm dirt. Trash. Scum. Like it was my choice to have this done to me. Then my mother looks at me like I'm something broken that can't be fixed. She looks at me with pity. I don't know what my best friends think. But to have my boyfriend look at me and say he can't do it? Because he's worried of what his friends will think? Your a coward. I don't care what those people think. At least you don't have your family looking at you the way mine does. So i'm sorry if I'm so inconvenient to your life.""It's not fair to say those things and you know it-""It's not fair. It's not fair. It's not fair. Is that all you can say? It's not fair that I have this happening to me and we even need to fight about this! Do you know many days I wake up wanting to die? Wanting to give up and stop feeling like crap every single second I'm breathing? But I can't do that because I know I'm responsible for two lives and it's not just about me anymore. It's about us." I put my hand on my stomach."You won't hear me out! I wanted to be supportive but it's too much to handle!" he screams ignoring my whole revelation. "You know I'm sorry for what happened to you but your not the only one making sacrifices or struggling right now! Look at what I already gave up for you! I gave up 5 moths of my life. I gave you my virginity which is something you'll never be able to say you gave me! And I gave up my family. To be closer to you. I left them. I left my little sister all alone in that house. I've given up my other friends. I've missed school for you to go the doctor. I'm missing out on what's supposed to be the best years of my life! Being 16 and finally being able to drive wherever, whenever. Oh and let's not forget how self-absorbed you are! 24/7 it's crying or police reports or baby stuff or new suspects! And it's all you talk about. We have lives too. Remember us? Your best friends? I bet you don't know that my parents are getting a divorce. Oh right, I don't have to bet because I know I never told you because all you want to do is complain about how bad your life is one minute then how grateful you are the next. I bet you don't know that it was Adrian's birthday last week. Or that Jeanette already got a scholarship to Stanford? She's a sophomore and already accepted! But your too busy to be a best friend or a good girlfriend!" Why is this coming out now? I guarantee that this isn't coming out the blue. This is something he's been feeling for awhile. I knew it was all too perfect. All too easy. Every word he said is a punch to the face. He's ripping out my heart and stomping on it. He doesn't even notice. No. He doesn't even care. "You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and saying you want to end it is awful. Your healthy, the babies are healthy! I want to be there with you but you have to stop dragging everyone else down with you!" at this point I lost it. I lunged at him. I started kicking and hitting him. He held me off but I go a few punches in. It takes both Jeanette and Adrian to pull me off him.He looks absolutely horrified. I must look like the devil right now. I don't care. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I want him gone. I don't want him here."Get out." I growl.Jeanette and Adrian look at me like I'm insane. "Get out!" I scream at him. He listens, gets up and grabs his coat. He's half way out the door when I scream. "Screw you! We're done!"

Im pregnantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon