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. Jeanette's P.O.V.I run up the stairs and like my boyfriend predicted, she's destroying his stuff. She's ripping every photo he has of them together and cut some of his clothes.Um... this is psycho. Her hormones and mood swings are in full swig along with her actual feelings. Well, that sounded weird. I don't know how pregnant chicks act when mad!I run over to her and snatch the scissors out her hand. "GIVE THEM BACK!" she screams at me.I throw them across the room and she's too pregnant to fight me and walk over. "Stop! This is insane."I walk her out of his room and into her's. Although we're all living together, none of us wanted to sleep in the same bed. We're not married."I know what your gonna say. 'Get back together. Don't throw away what you have. You were just mad. Go make up. I bet he's on his way right now.' Does that about sum it up?"It actually did. But I lie. "No. I was gonna say that you were both wrong and way out of line." She snaps her head to look at me. She's shocked. I can tell. "What you guys said was hurtful. I admit, he did some pretty low blows. I mean your pregnant. Come on." Just then I realized that that's exactly the point he was making. Feel pity because shes pregnant. But as much as I love Shaun, Hailey and I will always be closer. I don't want to take sides but if I had to, it'd be with Hailey. "But you guys are meant for eachother. You love eachother and stuff like this shouldn't matter. He's probably feeling destroyed right now.""Yeah but-""What you guys have is special. Your meant to be together.""I do miss him-""Good! I knew you did.""But you have to admit that I am right. I am. I know I am. He's said such hurtful things. Things I would never say. I'll apologize when he does. I'm not going to apologize for defending myself or speaking my mind. We all know I'm right. If I'm thinking this, he is. We both have to be on the same page. And as of now, we're not."Part of what she was saying was logical but then it fell apart."So what are you saying?""Shaun and I are done."

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