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W-what? A-a team??""It makes sense. The guy that allegedly almost hits you baits you. Making sure your alone, not on your phone. Then his partner goes and takes you." Detective Gates explains.I watch Criminal Minds all the time. They have so many partners. Even groups. But what kind of twisted partnership could that be? Father and son? Friends? Cousins? Brothers?Detective Gates snaps me back from my thoughts. "Hailey, would you be able to describe this man to me?"I nod quickly. He gets up and instructs me to follow.We get into the open office space and I notice the station like a hive. All the busy bees (cops) running around and the one leader.Out of nowhere, my dad pushes me against the wall. He's in my face. "Why didn't you tell me there was another guy?!? We could have been on this days ago!" he shouts in my face. I try to break free but he holds my wrists there. I can't look him in the face. Almost as soon as it happened, it was over. It took 4 cops to pull him off me. I've never been scared of my father before. There's a first for everything.Detective Gates rushes me into a room with four seats, and a messy desk. "Wait here." he points at me then walks out the room.He didn't close the door so I can hear what he's telling everyone in the open office. "She's going to give a description and I want it running through the computers immediately. Splatter the news with it. I want this guy found!"After that he comes back 5 minutes later with another guy with a large sketchpad.He sits down and straighten his tie out with his hands. I can't stop twirling my thumbs. "Hailey," he begins. He gestures to the man sitting next to me. "this is a sketch artist. Your going to explain every detail you remember about him and he's going to draw it."I nod. I'm not stupid. I know how this works. I've seen the shows."Ok. To begin, can you tell me his height?""He was about 2 feet taller than me. That's one of the reasons he intimidated me so much.""Hair, eyes?""He had brown wavy hair. His eyes were brown. Maybe early or mid 20's. Definitely nowhere near his 30's. He was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. He didn't look intimidating at all besides his height." I can't believe I can talk so smoothly when talking about this guy. He helped in my kidnapping/rape. I guess since he didn't actually do it, I'm fine."I need something here to find him. Describe him. Piercings? Tattoos? Facial hair?" Detective Gates asks. I can't tell if he's impatient and annoyed or just really wants this guy found. I shake my head. "No. None of that. He looked like a clean-cut guy. Unsuspecting." I can't believe I'm about to admit this. "He looked attractive."Detective Gates raises his eyebrows. "Excuse me?"This must be the first time he's heard a victim call their capture cute. "He looked like he just stepped out of magazine. He was attractive. Charming. He made me feel like it was my fault I almost got hit."I stare at the floor. I can't believe I fell for that. After a couple moments of silence, the sketch artist holds up his drawing. "Is that him?" Detective Gates points to the drawing.Tears spring to my eyes but I hold them back. "Um- yeah. Close enough." I look at the floor again."Hailey," Detective Gates starts. "Are you sure that this man and the one that raped you are not the same man?" I close my eyes and let the tears fall when he says rape. I can feel the pity their both giving off. The silence is deadly."Yes. I'm sure." my voice cracks. "The man that had his way with me," I can't say rape anymore. I don't want to. "was wearing a grey suit. It was made of silk.""Do you think-"I cut him off. "I'm sorry. I can't do this." I grab my bag and run out.Once I'm outside, I take off running. I can't do this anymore. Not alone. My parents are not helping. Dad has gone crazy trying to find him and mom acts as though nothing happens. I know she wants to talk about it soon but I don't know when.I have to tell someone. I unlock the door to Jeanette's house. Her family gave me a key years ago and vice versa. I texted her on my way here.My face is tear-stained and I'm sure it's red and gross looking.I run upstairs into her room and see her and Adrian doing things. My eyes go wide. "Sorry!"I run out the door and sit down against the wall. I can't help but laugh. It feels like the first time is forever.When she comes to the door, I tell her it's ice-cream time.I slowly walk in and see Adrian sitting on the edge of the bed. "Uh- um... we weren't-""I know." Neither Jeanette or Adrian is ready to go all the way. That's great.I just wanted to tell Jeanette but I guess I'll tell Adrian too. Might as well.I explain to him what ice cream time is and he's now officially included.Jeanette comes in with three tubs and three large spoons. We sit in a close circle on the floor. I'm against her bed and them on either side of me.I decide to come right out and say it."I'm pregnant."

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