Chapter 23

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{Naomasa POV}

"Toshi" I said quietly.

"Shhh. Don't talk Nao. You'll ruin the moment."

I sighed and rolled my eyes before kissing his cheek. "Come onnnn. They probably want some alone time." I tugged at his arm, signaling that I meant it when I said it's time to go.

"Fine," Toshinori said quietly, casting one last glance at Izzy and Tokoyami.

It's a good thing I convinced Toshi to go home. As soon as we got back to the house and he laid in bed he fell asleep.

I tried to sleep, but life had other plans. I sighed and rolled out of bed when my phone rang.

"Hello," I answered sleepily.

"Hey Naomasa. Just thought I'd let you know that there was a robbery a few hours ago. We'll be needed at the scene early tomorrow."

"Of course we are," I grumbled.

"Someone seems a bit grumpy," Sansa purred through the phone.

"Of course I am! I'm an old man and it's one in the morning!"

"Well alright old man. I'll let you sleep. Goodnight Naomasa."

"Goodnight," I said before hanging up and going back to bed.


"Morrrrrning," Toshi said with a grin on his face.

"Morning," I said as I walked into the house.

"So how did it go?"

"Oh you know. The typical 'I only robbed the place because I needed money'"

"Did he need money?"

"Yes. So I asked if he had a job. He said no. I recommend he get one and he said 'ohhh...that probably would have been smart."

Toshi started laughing and I walked him on the head.

"Ow," he grumbled while rubbing his head.

"That's what you get for laughing. So, did you talk with Izzy this morning?"

"Yup. She said she and Tokoyami are going to a beach for their honeymoon and that they're leaving tomorrow."

"I hope they have fun," I said before sitting next to Toshi and laying my head on him.


{The next day, Izzy pov}

"Hey baby, is everything packed?" I asked as I sat on our bed.

"Yup. I have to ask, have you ever been to a beach?"

"Nope! But I really wanna. That's why I chose one."

Tokoyami pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. "I figured that would be your answer."

"Of course you did."

A few hours later I called dad to tell him we're about to leave.

We talked for a few minutes before I heard him make a sound I could only describe as a "MWNCKSLENXLSMDNDKWNKAKSNXUEJF"

"Umm... Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Just another call. I have to go, but have fun ok?"

"You know I will. Bye dad," I said before hanging up. Once me and Tokoyami got a few snacks for the trip, we were on our way to the beach.

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