Chapter 4- Family

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"Dad!" I said as I ran into Naomasa's room. He woke up as soon as I said that and sat up.

"Izzy? Why are you up so late?"

"You remember Aiko right?" I asked.

He looked at me confused. "Yeah. Why? We're still working on a plan to save her, so you don't have to worry about that."

"It's not that! Well, it kinda is..."

"What do you mean?"

"She's here. And she's safe."

"What? How?" he asked as he got out of bed.

"You know the villain Himiko Toga? Well, apparently the league had beef with our parents and she killed them. Then Aiko and Lexi escaped."

"I see," he said, his eyes lighting up. "Well, let's go make some living arrangements with her."

~time skip~

Two weeks after Aiko moved in with us, she became an official third year at UA.

I walked into class talking with Momo when I saw Aizawa and Principal Nezu talking. They both looked sad, like, concerningly sad.

Once class started, and everyone was in there seats. Well, except Tokoyami, but his parents took him on a vacation.

"Class, I have some bad news... I'm afraid that a student of UA has been.... Murdered..."

Everyone gasped and looked shocked. Momo and Froppy looked on the verge of tears, and and Kirishima looked ready to scream.

"Who... Who was it?" Deku asked. We had sat in silence for two minutes before he had the courage to ask.

"I'm afraid that it was-"Aizawa stopped talking and turned around. It looked like he was crying, and I could have sworn I heard him do a few sad sniffs. He turned around once he was certain he wouldn't cry and looked at Deku dead in the eyes.

"The murder was committed on... Tokoyami."

All of the girls, including me, started crying and so did half of the boys.

"How? And... Why?"

"I'm afraid the league of villains attacked his whole family," Nezu said. "None of them made it."

"Who would do this?"

"Why Tokoyami? He's only a kid..."

Everyone was asking why and how... Well either that or trying to comfort each other.

As class went on Aizawa and Nezu told us everything they knew-that he was killed by being smashed to the ground, that he was targeted for being a UA student, and new safety stuff to happen.

I went to my dorm after school and found Aiko there, waiting for me. Everyone knew what had happened, and she waited there for me to comfort me. We spent the rest of the night talking, wondering what was to happen now.

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