Chapter 23

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It was now the day of the wedding and everyone was getting ready. Katerina was now wearing her wedding dress. It was a white silky dress that stuck on her body like a second skin.

When her hair and make-up was done she decided she wanted to get coffee. After she fought with Amara and Alessandra for an eternity since they didn't want her to ruin her make-up she got into her car and drove to the nearest coffee shop.

She got all sorts of weird looks since she was literally in a wedding dress but shrugged all of them off. When she got her coffee she walked back to her car when she saw someone looking at her. She looked a little harder only to realise who it was.

"Fucking Alexander."

She muttered under her breath when she realised he wasn't in the warehouse when she slaughtered all the Russians. After a while she felt a hand cover her mouth.

She elbowed whoever it was and punched him continuously leaving him unconscious when a dozen of other Russians appeared.

"Not on my wedding day you fuckers."

She said as she got her two guns from her car. She shot each and every one of them, her wedding dress now red. However, Alexander was nowhere to be seen. She looked at her watch and realised she was late.

She got into her car and drove to the venue which was on the beach, probably a little bit over the speed limit. When she got there Fiorenzo was waiting somewhere where the guests couldn't see him since he would walk her down the aisle. When he saw her, his eyes widened.

"What the fuck happened Kitty Kat?"

He asked looking for any injuries.

"We will talk about it later now come."

She ordered and grabbed his arm.

As she walked down the aisle everybody's eyes were on the bloodied bride. Since it was only mafia members there, they all had their guns in their hands ready to shoot if something were to happen. She felt Valerio's eyes burning with anger but they also held a feeling of love. Finally Fiorenzo gave her away to Valerio with a kiss on the cheek.

"What the fuck happened Katerina?"

Asked Valerio through gritted teeth.

"I ran into some problems on the way here."

She answered giving him a wink. He sighed but dropped it.

"You look even more breathtaking with blood all over you."

He said and she smiled widely. They were so lost that they didn't notice the priest almost being done with what he was saying.

"You may now say your vows."

Said the piest and gestured towards Valerio.

"Katerina since the moment I saw you, I couldn't get you out of my head. You are the most beautiful,strong and intelligent woman I've ever met and I bet a lot of men would want to be where I am right now. I vow to protect you with my life. I vow to love and cherish you every minute of the day. I vow to fight life beside you. I vow to support you and never let you go. Even death can't do us apart."

He finished and Katerina was now shedding some tears, she took a deep breath and began.

"Valerio when I first met you, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You have made me your queen and given me an empire to rule beside you. We have been through so much that I can't even list them all here. When I fled to Italy, I told you that I will always come back to you and I tend to believe I kept my promise. I vow to love you unconditionally. I vow to stand by your side no matter what. I vow to be your support system through everything life throws at us. I vow to be yours as long as you will be mine. Not even death can do us apart."

She said and the smile on Valerio's face was brighter than the sun. Katerina saw some of the members as well as Amara and Fiorenzo crying.

"Do you Valerio Ferrari take Katerina Russo as your lawfully wedded wife to love and cherish her through sickness and health?"

"I do."

He said as he held Katerina's hands into his own.

"Do you Katerina Russo take Valerio Ferrari as your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and health?"

"I do."

She said and looked into his eyes. A tear escaped his eyes but he quickly whipped it away so that nobody could see.

"Now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Valerio pulled her to him and kissed her passionately.

"Even in hell we shall burn together."

Whispered Katerina into his ear when they pulled away.

Katerina and Valerio were happy. Happier then they had ever been. The devil had met his other half, which was for sure not an innocent angel, perhaps she was more of a demon herself.

All the members bowed their heads to their rightful leaders. When Valerio and Katerina told them to stand up, they followed their command.

"We are a family. Sometimes people don't have to be blood related to be considered family. We fight and conquer together as one. From this day it is my responsibility to fight for all of you as you will do for me. We are strong and we will take down together anyone to defy our orders and question our power. As for today it is a new beginning. Have fun today let loose, reward yourselves, you all deserve it."

Said Katerina and everybody clapped their hands, cheering and screaming. Everyone there took their guns out and fired shots into the sky, smiles plastered on all their faces. Some continuing to shed tears of happiness.

That was it. The underworld finally had its queen.

The end!

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