Chapter 26

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Image above is Mayo


Setting up a picnic on the bay beach filled with wine, cookies and other snacks, I even tried to make things a little romantic by putting roses. But guess what, Ebu didn't show up.

I wasn't mad or angry with her, I was just a little sad and disappointed that she didn't take this as serious as I took it. The one time I try to make a girl feel special.

Right now I'm in the living room, drinking on a cold bottle of beer. At least the beer is there when I needed it.

"My boy, nigbawo ni o bere mimu" Father asked( when did you start drinking)

I didn't answer him, I'm not ready for the old mans talking.

"Mayo!" He scolded making me turn to him

"What father?" I was in no mood.

"I see, so it's because of a girl!, I know it's that pretty girl that came to read with you the other day. Shebi?"

"Yes" I answered dryly. My father wasn't like every typical Nigerian parent that would kill you when you have a girlfriend or when they find you coming in close relationship with the opposite sex. From my research, I think he was pretty worse than me when he was my age.

He adjusted his iro and buba then sat down. I wonder why he likes wearing that heavy attire.

"What did she do?"

"Well she left me hanging on our date"

"Mayo?, which on is hanging, hanging in where? ahhh or is she ____"

I know the next word, 'is she a witch?'. My father needs to get updated on some things.

"No dad, I mean she didn't come for the date I scheduled, although it wasn't planned. It was our first and I expected her to at least show up"

"Eeehen, oh ohwk. You should have said she didn't come, which one is hanging. So that is why your drinking like Araoluwakiitan"

He just said that as if he expected me to know who that person is

"And who is that?"

"Ah your uncle that almost died because of drinking, the own from Oyo state" father laughed. I really don't get this man sometimes.

"That should be a lesson for you also to stop smoking" I always tried to chip in little advise when we have talks like these.

"Wo Mayo, I'm not here for me, I'm here for you" And as always he tries to avoid the topic.

"So what's your big advice" I said sarcastically, giving big advices and motivational talks were my moms thing. I don't think my father really has a thing.

"You love her don't you" I nodded in response.

"Don't take it on her for just this one time, keep loving her even with her mistakes. When I met your mother, I messed up countless times"

Ohhw, I believe him hundred percent in that aspect.

"But we loved each other and we didn't want some nonchalant things to hinder our future together. Now we have you, our fine face Mayowa"

I chuckled when he called me that, mom brought up the nickname. I missed her so much, her smile, her passionate hugs and motherly care. Dad noticed my change in facial expression and pulled closer to me.

"I know she's watching us now, and she agrees hundred percent with me" He said, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"Thanks dad"

I dropped the almost empty content of alcohol and went upstairs to my room. I picked up my phone to see twenty missed calls from Ebu.

Ye!!!!, now she'll think I'm actually mad at her.

I tried calling back but great, her phone was switched off.


We were having physics class and I couldn't help but steal glances at Ebu. She looked rather dull today and she just played with her pen like something was bothering her. Does she think I'm mad at her because that's not logically possible.

After the physic teacher was done with the class, I walked up to her whose head was not on the desk, she didn't even go chat with Dora and her friends.

"You mind telling me what's bothering you?"

She brought her head up to look at me, "I'm sorry about yesterday. I had a lot on my plate and I couldn't leave the house when Dora was on a date"

"I understand"

"But you didn't pick up yesterday when I tried calling you, you made me worried"

"I tried calling but your phone was switched off, so what's the a lot you've got on your plate. No matter what it is love, you can talk to me. I'll always listen"

She smiled at me and some how I felt much better now she's happy. "I'm okay Mayo. Thanks for giving me that assurance"

"Yeah. I know it seems I was mad on the phone but I was just a little upset"

"I know, I'm a shitty babe"

"No no, Ebu your far from that. Honestly your the one girl that I've ever loved and I know I'm smarter to not pick a shitty person"

"You always bring it back to you being smart. Some ego you have" she laughed, playfully hitting my chest. I love her.

"I'm smart, just stating the obvious" I laughed too.

"Really?, your stating the obvious, remind me how I met you again"

"I prefer we scrap that first day"

The girl with the books

"You were a real asshole that day, you know" throwing her face to the other side with a curve smile on her face.

"Well you've forgiven that asshole, remember"

She rolled her eyes and turned to face me. I took that time to look at her face and God it was gorgeous. Her skin was radiant and her eyes were so cute, her smile was just something else.

"What?, why you staring at me" she giggled

"Because I love you Ebu"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I made it short because I'm super busy today and the ideas weren't just coming.

Till next time people.

Ohw by the way, check out perfect storm by @Maryaden01 her book is so amazing 

 like the book is mad ohh.

Peace out!!!!!!!

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