Chapter 7

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Image above is Chisom *The eyeliner is something else*



Immediately the bell was rung, I checked my schedule, realizing it was actually the break bell and the school secretary had said I should come get my books by now.

Before I could even get up, students were all over me. Hi I'm this hi I'm that. I just plastered a smile on my face since it was my first day, and I didn't want to seem rude. The introduction kept coming and I didn't know who to reply first, another taking a seat beside me with a flirty smile on his cute face.

What??, It's the truth and its obvious that he's cute.

"Hi I'm JJ"


"Ebu, I took note of that"

I know I shouldn't get too forward with any guy till I get a background check, and when I mean a background check, I mean who and who he dated, why he broke up, academic performance (I'm not a fan of dummys in a guy) and last but not the least, his looks.

So I stood up, leaving the little crowd behind, they were giving me so much heat. Then I walked over to Dora, "Dora"


"I need you to get my textbooks and my notebooks, so I wouldn't eat with you" I went closer to her and whispered, "Can you tell this people to leave my skin"

She seemed shocked at my statement, if they really want to know me?, I've got an Instagram page.... Go follow!!! And most of them had bad breathe, I can't work with that.

"Hi there, I'm Yemi" A girl appeared from nowhere with her hand stretched towards me for a shake. She was light skinned with ton of makeup on her face, so I couldn't tell if she was pretty or not.

I turned to Dora, seeing the way she was shooting daggers at the girl with her eyes. I don't think there goodchie with each other because if glares could kill, that girl would be ten feet under by now. Since Dora doesn't fancy her, I guess she's no good, and I don't trust girls in red hair..... Trust me, there bad news.

"So Dora, catch you later" Ignoring the Yam girl and leaving the classroom.

I quickly headed to the secretary, meeting Chisom sitting on a waiting chair as usual, typing away.

"Your always late" She said, cocking her brows at me

"So whose early one, You??"

After waiting patiently for the secretary, she finally come out with stacks of note and text books. The textbooks were thicker because they were subjects like chemistry and the rest....

How the hell I'm I meant to carry all those books.

"We can't possibly carry these books" Chisom said

I consider that abuse, research has made us know that when lifting something too heavy, the muscles in your back will be strained beyond what they can handle, leading to muscle sprains or tears, as mentioned earlier. If the damage is severe, people could end up with herniated disks or pinched nerves.

It's true, because google never lies.

"Do you expect me to carry it for you??" the lady said, giving Chisom and I this look. What is it with Nigerians with being nice and helpful.

"Don't bother Miss, I'll do it" plastering a face smile, but deep inside me, I wanted to strangle that tiny neck of hers. Besides, my play nice mode is still on. She handed me my stacks of book and I left. Chisom was still stubborn and reluctant.

I swear my veins were popping out, I walked through the empty hallway since everyone was eating. I suddenly bummed into someone, my books all falling to the ground.

My nice mode is about to be turned off.

"What is wrong with people in this school" I screamed in frustration as the person just walked pass.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to give that person a good scream but I didn't get the face and it was a guy because I could see him from his back, he wore a black leather jacket and a black face cap with his both hands shoved in his pocket. He better count this as his lucky day because I hate shitty people and he just happens to be one.

Who does that to a girl???

I squatted and packed my books that were littered everywhere. "You need help?" a voice said, helping me gather the books.

Looking up to see a girl, she had a friendly face, her purple braid packed in a pony tail. "Hi, I'm Amanda"

"Thanks" I muttered, I was pissed.

"Your the new girl from Canada right?" Wow, news travels fast in this school... actually news travels fast in high school generally.

"Yes... I'm Ebu"

"I heard" with a sweet smile, she was pretty and I liked her already.(Majorly because she's the first to help me)

She helped me carry my books to my classroom that was empty, then we both arranged it in the shelf, talking randomly.

"Thanks Amanda" I said once more, she's been really helpful.

"Don't mention, I like your sneakers by the way"

"It's kinda old though" chuckling.

"Break is over" glancing at her wristwatch, "I'm a commercial student and my class is just by the left, that's were you can find me"

"Yeah sure"

Amanda left and students started coming in, everyone chatting with the partner they walked in with. I frequently heard people mentioning the same name in their conversation. Mayo.

"Hey" walking over to Dora and two girls.

Wait... They were twins.... I love twins.

"Hi Ebu, have I introduced you to my friends?", I shook my head and she went on, "This is Kemi" referring to the one that was munching on a meatpie.

"Howfa" the Kemi girl said and I replied with a smile. What is 'howfa'

"And this is Femi" referring to the one that was reading a book, she had less makeup on her face compared to her twin and a pen on her ear.

"Hi" waving at me, and I waved back.

"Soo" Kemi said, clapping her hands to get our attention on her, "I heard Mayo came to school today, they said he did not wear uniform because he'll be resuming tomorrow"

"Did you see him?" Dora asked.

"No, a junior student saw him" Kemi said making Dora and Femi hiss. I didn't know who Mayo was, so I just busied myself with my phone till a teacher walked in making everyone abandon their clique and head for our desk.

Did I mention the teachers had a super power... it was refined and called BOREDOM

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