Chapter 6

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After Daxon left, my day became your typical day in the life of a broken hearted teenage girl. Lots and lots of distracting T.V. shows. Lots of comfort food. And, most importantly, fluffy blankets. My mom also came home that night with two pints of ice cream which was the perfect touch.

The confrontation with Victoria and Daxon kinda kept my thoughts busy all day. I didn't get to reminisce on my time travelling, or possible dimension shifting, extravaganza thing. This morning, when I woke up, it was the first thing to come into mind. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.

There's not much from the experience that I can use to figure out what happened and why. I know that people from my life and myself were present, looking as we do here. There were newspapers with dates from 1892 and everything fit what I know of that time period. I could be crazy, but that would suck, so I'm going to continue on like I'm sane.

I have two theories.

One. Alternate dimensions exist with versions of everyone in this one. I somehow transported myself into my other self's body. The dimension was somehow just less advanced than we are. That doesn't explain the newspapers though. William could just have a collection of papers from 1892, but that seems unlikely.

I prefer my second theory, which is that I somehow traveled back in time into the body of one of my past reincarnations. That explains the time period. It's just odd that my path crossed with Daxon's again. Being with my mom makes a little more sense because genetics, but Daxon and I aren't related.

At this point, I'm just going to run with my second theory until I have a reason not too. I pull up my spinny rolly chair up to my desk and open up my laptop. I only have two tabs open because I hate when there's a whole bunch. I keep my email tab open at all times and the other one is just a music station.

I click the little plus button on my second tab and the google search bar appears across my page. As a teen in the 21st century, google is the only thing I could use to do research on my time travelling event. I type in the word reincarnation and wait 0.65 seconds for google to generate search results.

That's where I hit my first issues. Turns out that you cannot be reincarnated into the same body. William and Daxon looked exactly the same. The truth can be said for my mom too. I guess that rules out reincarnation. It could be something similar though.

I spend the next hour or so putting random phrases into google hoping they might lead me to something, anything related to what happened. Search after search on incarnation, body switching, and possible time travel fill up my history. Each one leads to a dead end.

Just before I decide to give up, I search for one last thing even though I know it's a long shot. Ella Roberts 1890. The first few websites are ancestry tracers and grave memorials but after clicking through a couple of pages I find something interesting. The website is titled "Old Tale about Reincarnated Time-Travel," and Ella Roberts is in a darker font in the description showing that it is related.

Without hesitation, I click on it and watch with anticipation as a picture of a vintage piece of paper fills the screen. It's covered in feminine cursive written in some sort of dark ink. It reads,

The ability to relive certain moments shall come with great trust. The past holds secrets that few should know. This power to travel back into past forms should be limited. Time cannot be disrupted but it can reveal more than should be known. Reliving a life that has already been lived can show what may take place again in another present.

Present Drifters can go back to anytime they have lived as their same person, in their same body. Limit who goes. Present Drifters often learn too much about what is destined. Time is repetitive. Drifting through Presents is dangerous. Proceed with gifting this ability with caution.

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