Chapter 18

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Four days. Four days have gone by. I've never spent this long in a past life before. I've never survived this long before.

Asher has been avoiding me since I realized he knew about my drifting ability. For four days, he has hid every time I come into his view. I've been forced to wander around the ship and hang out with the crew. Melvin and I have become quite good friends in the time being, but I feel like I'm still going crazy. Four days. I've been here for more than four days.

I've been spending most of my alone time in Asher's quarters. Mainly because I don't know where else to go where I could be safe and I'm guessing he'd prefer I not sleep in the same area as his crew. Honestly, I spend most of my time there just hoping he'll come in there and be forced to talk to me. Asher hasn't come in though. Not once.

My curiosity got the best of me about two days ago and I began searching through the books in his library. I was hoping one would contain information about what I am or how he remembers our past lives, or how mine ended.

Asher avoiding me has made me long to go back home, go back to Daxon. If Asher remembers, does Daxon? And if he does, is he attempting to do the same thing that Asher is? Protecting himself from losing me?

I've begged Daxon to tell me why he broke up with me. To just explain it so I could possibly get some closure. If it's because of this time-traveling mess I've found myself in, maybe he couldn't tell me. After that night at the party, I convinced myself he didn't end things because he lost feelings. Could it be because he's scared to lose me again?

I shake my head as I ponder what I've been thinking about non-stop for these past four days. With Asher avoiding me, and Daxon living centuries in the future, I'm not going to be able to get any answers right now. I just need to go home. Just need to see him.

A sigh escapes my lips as I carefully lean back in the chair I'm sitting in. It's the morning of day six technically. I haven't left Asher's room yet, not quite ready to face this life again. This life has come with a lot of struggles, excluding the contemplative ones. Every morning I wake up with nauseating sea sickness that makes me want to throw up over the edge of the ship into the ocean. Every meal is almost identical, composed of dried biscuits, rum or milk, and only every few days some dried meat.

Most of the crew has a variety of laborious jobs to complete each day. None of which I understand or could explain. Some just have to clean. I've come to realize that those who do are in the lower ranks of the crew. The higher ranks, or more experienced ranks, have more difficult jobs like ones associated with steering the ship or taking care of the sails.

Melvin has tried to explain to me what all of the ropes attached to the sails and masts do, but it all went in one ear and out the other. It was all surprisingly complicated and just not something I could begin to comprehend with everything else that's on my mind. When he's busy working, that's usually when I disappear back into Asher's quarters. Melvin has become my safe place. Without him, I don't dare to surround myself with the rest of the crew.

A light knock comes from the door at the front of the room. My head immediately jerks in that direction. Out of all of my time in this room, no one has ever knocked, or even opened the door. My heart begins to race as I begin to hope that Asher will be standing on the other side.

As I stand, I look down at my makeshift outfit. I threw back on the dress I was wearing when I was taken last night. I'd found myself sick of wearing Asher's over sized shirts as dresses. It's not the greatest but it's not like I can throw on something really special at the moment.

Slowly, I make my way to the door and open it slowly, swallowing my fears as I do. I tilt my head to the side to see the person on the other side quicker. My face falls to a frown as Melvin greets me with a handful of biscuits.

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