Chapter 9

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Three consecutive knocks spew through the room, snapping me awake. A groan escapes from my lips as I turn onto my side. Everything in me just wants to curl up in a ball under this blanket even though it's the itchiest thing I've ever touched. The wild west doesn't offer much comfort but I still slept amazing.

I open my eyes in annoyance as another set of knocks ensues. I'm greeted by Ryder standing beside the large dresser in the room. He glances at me and teasingly rolls his eyes at the door. An object rests in the palm of his hands but he gently places it on top of the dresser before walking to the door.

Ryder opens the door just enough that only his face can be seen by the person outside the room. He keeps the rest of his body behind the door. Honestly probably a smart choice. He's still shirtless. Not that I'm complaining.

"Hey! Get your butt down to the Saloon. We're celebrating!" I hear Alice say from the hallway. I have to bury my face into my pillow to keep her from hearing me laugh.

"Okay, I'll head down in a couple minutes," Ryder replies calmly.

"Find Cheyenne on your way," Alice commands.

"Yea yea okay."

As soon as the door shuts I crack up laughing. Ryder walks over and plops down on the bed next to me, his facing resting in front of mine. A teasing grin covers his face and he looks at me.

"Finding Cheyenne might take me awhile," he jokes.

"Oh yea. We're going to be a little late to the celebration," I respond with a huge smile plastered across my face.

Ryder gently brushes the tips of his fingers across my neck, sending a shiver through my body from his touch. His smile has fallen and been replaced by a hungry look. His eyes search my own as he pulls me close to him.

My hands take root in his hair as his lips interlock with mine. His arms lock around my waist, pulling me up, away from the mattress. His chest heaves under mine as he pulls me closer and closer, the blanket falling around us like a cage. The world dissipates into peace, like when your head goes completely under water.

His hands trail up my back leaving a trail of tingles as they go. They stop at my neck, protectively resting there. I pull away gently, my lips lingering on his. I open my eyes to sink into his. He is safe. Here, with him, I am alive. I am sheltered.

I let my forehead fall onto his, our noses briefly touching, before I fall onto my side again. Ryder's arms fall with me, coming to wrap around my back, keeping me close. His breaths tickle the tip of my nose. I hold his head in my hand, letting my fingers trail his cheek. His head becomes heavy as he sinks into the touch.

"We really should go if we don't want Alice to get too made," I argue with a soft smile. His face remains emotionless as he stares at me. It takes him a moment before he gently nods and moves to get up. My eyes close briefly before I move to do the same.

Ryder moves over to the dresser where he pulls out a fresh shirt. He slowly buttons it up as I sit up on the bed, my eyes lingering on him. His head turns towards me and he smiles as his fingers move away from the last button. He grabs the object from before and wraps it around his wrist. It's a silver watch with some sort of black detailing that I can't make out. It must be the one he stole back.

He comes over to stand in front of me and extends his hand out. I place my palm in his and he immediately grabs it and pulls me to my feet in front of him. My free hand latches onto his chest to keep me from falling over. Ryder grins down at me when I fail to pull it away.

I shake my head, smiling, and then turn to go open the door. Ryder's hand reaches above me to hold the door as I move into the hallway. He follows behind, letting the door gently close behind him. Then, he guides us back down from the way we came, nodding at the same guy as before.

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