Chapter 21

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Oliver frantically runs around the deck with his arms extended outward like a plane he's never seen, a wild smile covering his face. Asher stands next to me watching Oliver with my same joy. After a moment, Oliver slows and proceeds to run up to Melvin. He grabs Melvin's hand and pulls him forward so that he's forced to run with him.

"Oliver's going to be a great addition to the crew," Asher says as he smiles at my kid exercising a member of his crew.

"I think he'll be really happy here," I say in response, tilting my head back slightly so I can give Asher a small smile. He returns the gesture.

"Mom!" Oliver yells just as my attention turns from him to Asher. Oliver begins sprinting in our direction, leaving Melvin in the dust on the other side of the deck. Melvin bends over, pressing the palms of his hands into his knees as he catches his breath.

"What's up?" I question as Oliver slows to a halt in front of me.

"I forgot my stuff." He states without explanation.

"Your stuff?"

"Yea," he pauses. "My clothes and stuff."

My smile falls and my eyes widen as I realize that I completely forgot about our belongings. We were living with Jane, so I don't have to worry about the house, but the stuff in the house slipped my mind. I've been able to survive off of men's clothing this past week but Oliver is small and growing so that won't work for him. Having my own clothes would be nice too. I open my mouth to respond but before I can, Asher grabs my hand and squeezes it to stop me.

"I'll send my crew to fetch everything," Asher says, smiling down at Oliver.

"Okay!" He exclaims before running off towards a recovering Melvin. I immediately turn to look back at Asher disapprovingly.

"I can go back and get it. You are not sending your crew." I state demandingly.

"You are not m'lady," he teases with a smirk. He begins walking slowly backwards pulling me gently by the hand that's resting in his.

"Asher ple-"

"Nope," he interrupts. "If they go it'll be quicker and you and I can spend some quality time together." Asher winks in addition to his final comment.

"Oliver is still here," I argue. Asher shrugs.

"Melvin can watch him." Asher turns to look at said crew member. "Right Melvin?" He yells. Melvin turns to look at us with a nervous smile as Oliver tugs at his shirt.

"Yea, see he can watch Oliver," Asher argues as he turns to look back at me. "I'll go tell the crew."

Before I can stop him, Asher is running towards the steps to the lower deck, my hand quickly falling out of his. I let out a sigh and shake my head as he disappears. My eyes wander back to Oliver as he plays with a bright smile across his face.

When I first drifted to this time I asked Jane if Oliver was always this happy. In my present, I rarely ever see Kenneth like this. Seeing a version of him running around with joy makes my heart swell a little in my chest. Hopefully, one day Kenneth can find joy like this because I love seeing him happy. If a little boy who has come face to face with loneliness finds joy in running around a ship, then what isn't possible.

I can get back home. Everything is perfect here. Asher and I are happy and building a future that has Oliver in it. Neither one of us have to give up anything important and we still can be together. And nobody has been shot or poisoned which is probably the most important thing at the moment.

Maybe getting shot by Walter when I was with William has an explanation and maybe being poisoned with Ryder was a mistake. Maybe my first two time traveling adventures just had unfortunate endings. Maybe.

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