Chapter 6

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Y/N: We-well i- uhh..
he says as hes blushing and very embarrassed, he let's go and says..

Dabi: S-so?.. Do y-YOU wa-want to?..
Y/N: I u-uh.. Sure..
Dabi: W-wait rea-really?!..
You nod looking down and blushing light pink, he picks you up and lays you down and starts to undress
You look away blushing, he lays down next to grabs your waist and pulls you towards him.. You say..

Y/N: H-Hey?! What are you d-doing?!
Dabi: Be glad I'm not naked~

He smirks as he says it, you turn
Around and snuggle into his chest and blush.. You thought
Y/N mind: two can play at that game!..
Dabi: ...
He's blushing bright pink and then cuddles with you, as he does you smile and start to doze off..

Dabi: *whispers* good night kitty..
  You smile in your sleep as he said that, he thought..

Dabi's mind: d-did th-they hear m-me?!..
Y/N: I love you..
You where talking in your sleep, Dabi justed laid his head down and went to bed.

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