Chapter 27

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As you were laying in the bed at the hospital in the middle of the night you turn to the window on your left.
You sat up and looked around outside and then at the moon, the moon was the only source of light besides the light on the said-walks.

You looked at the moon and the starts and looked down at the ground again.
You saw him.

Y/n: Dabi!
You whisper yelled.
You looked closer but it wasn't him.. it was an old man with spiked hair that was dark brown and had blue eyes.

His eyes reminded you of Davis blue ocean eyes..
And oh how you missed him so much.

After you got accepted to leave the hospital, you went back to the dorms.
It was afternoon and class was about to end so you really didn't have to go to class really.
Once you were you were in your room you looked at the desk you had.
You had a few books, 2 candles and a lamp (and whatever else you want on your desk).
You sat in your chair and opens the book and then look at the Corner of your desk to see a large pile of papers.
And those papers were work.

Great, you had just had gotten and you have tons on work, you took out your pencil and started to work.

After 4 or 3 hours you heard a knock on your door, it was night and you thought everyone had went to bed.
You got up from your chair and walked to the door, once you reached the door noob you opened it.


Deku was standing there with a teddy bear and a 'come back soon card'. 

Y/n: oh Deku! I thought everyone was sleeping! How are you?
Deku:I'm good thanks for asking! Here I brought you some stuff.. I- I hope you get better soon!

He said with a shy smile as well giving you the stuff.

Y/n: thank you Deku, have a good night..
Deku: yeah, you too..

You smiled as you closed the door and heard footsteps walking away.
You sat the teddy bear on your bed and the card on your desk.
You looked outside and sighed, you were going back to school in 2 days.. will people start asking questions?

Wait.. you didn't even know how you passed out in a coma..
You grabbed your phone and called Kiri.



Kiri: hello?
Y/n: hey kiri, I was just wondering.. how did I fall into a coma?
Kiri: well..

He said in a shaky voice and then sighed.

Kiri: what basically happened is that while we were in a fight to save people a huge piece rock fell on you and we got it off of you but then..

Since filled the room..
And then he said..

Kiri: Dabi hit you with his flames...

No.. why, why my love?..

I just realized that the chapters are mixed up so you'll have to make a few steps to next chapter over like a few pages to be on check with the story and make sure you know what's going on in the story, sorry for that 😬

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