Chapter 2

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Dabi: No toga, we just met.. Anyway this is Y/N she/he will be joining the L.O.V and become a villain.. So be nice..
She nods as she looks at you and then looks at dabi

Toga: I'mma go wash up, I'm covered in blood.. Not that I don't mind of course! Anyway cya later!
She waves her hand in the air as she walks in the bathroom to wash herself

Y/N: So, her name is Toga?..
As you look up at dabi having a curious look on your face, he nods and says he's going out for the night and to stay here. You nod as he left

Y/N's mind:now what?.. Im bored.. Hm I guess I could read a book..

You look around and see a bookshelf with all kinds off books, you go over to then and pick a few up and look at them for a while and go back to the couch.

You sit on the couch and start to read, after a few minutes you hear the sound if a door opening.. You look over to see who it is and you see a man with hands on him and blue hair.

Reconnected (Dabi x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें