chapter 7

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You open your eyes and rubbed them, you looked next to you and dabi wasn't there
   You thought to yourself..

Y/n's mind: wonder where he went.. Maybe in the living room?..
You got up and then looked at the table that was next to his bed and saw a note, you thought..
Y/n's mind: what's this?..

You grab the note that was in the table  and opened it...

   Hey y/n, I went out today so your staying home alone and don't try anything fishy! Got it. Cya later I won't be long.

You smiled at the note and got up to eat breakfast, you walk to the pantry and grab some cereal you place it on the counter. You sigh and walk to the cabinet and grab a bowl and a spoon you also grab the mill on your way to the counter.
    You pour the cereal and then the milk, you didn't feel like cooking but whatever.. You start eating the cereal.

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