Chapter 29

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You woke up to the sound of knocking on your door. You didn't realize it when you went to bed.
You got up from your bed and checked if anyone was there, but no one, not a single soul. Just a white cat with green eyes sleeping in a tree, waving its tail.
You looked again just to make sure there was no one. Again no one.

It was strange you had checked outside once you went to bed, was there a possibility that someone was hiding? Or was your mind playing tricks with you? Who knows.
You went outside on to the cold floor and the breeze of the wind hit your face just like a newspaper could fly right into your face. Who knows, you looked around, no one and just the cat.

You went back inside and checked your phone for any messages, calls, info about something and data. Once you checked you went into the bathroom as it was almost time to wake up for school. You brushed your teeth and your hair, then washed your face and then put your clothes on (if you wear makeup just pretend you put some on or if you wanna style your hair choose).

After you put your clothes on you start to make your way to the kitchen and make yourself some food. You got the ingredients and started to cook, once you flipped the egg you walked to your room and took your shoes. Once your eggs, bacon, and French toast was ready (very fancy, I know ✋✨) you started to eat.

You then heard alarm clocks and phones to ring and beep. The others were starting to get up and get ready for school. You are your food in peace all alone with your slips of juice.
The others got up and came out one buy one and two by two, they were cooking, talking, and laughing but come on who has enough energy to laugh at like 7am???

Y/n mind: I wonder if anyone will question why i wade the here..

Mina: morning y/n! How are you doing?
Y/n: I'm fine, thanks for asking! What about you?
Mina: meh, same as always! Anyway gotta run cya!
Y/n: bye!

Mina grabbed her bag and dashed through the door and jumped off the stairs and onto the floor. You then put your plate in the sink and put your shoes on and grabbed your bag, as everyone else started to go as well.
You were so tired, but you managed to say hi to a couple of people on the way to U.A.

You got to class and sit down as you watch a few other people walk by and some walk in. You got out your phone and looked to see if there's anything new and stop when you see a picture of Dabi..
You really wished you could see him again and you loved him every much, you loved him with all your heart really but you couldn't find him anywhere..



I'll see you soon Dabi, I know I will.

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