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I was sitting on the couch when Alex was heading out the door. As he put his shoes on, he leaned over his shoulder and said

"You're more than welcome to play your switch on the TV out here," he gestured to the dock sitting in front of the TV on the wall. "There's also Netflix and Hulu and all that shit." His shoes were on and he grabbed his keys. He opened the door and shot a finger gun at me, "I'll be back at 6. Let me know what you're thinking then." And with that, the door shut.

I spent the day applying for jobs online, playing animal crossing, watching old cartoons, and asking myself what I would do if I got drunk with Alex.

Could I hold it in and not come onto him? Or would I just start letting it happen and end up in his bed for the night instead of my own? We just met yesterday. Would I really do him the day after I meet him?


I had no clue what to wear. I had a bralette on under my shirt that I could easily wear with just my shorts and my denim shirt on top but I didn't want to come off too desperate and overly sexy. That could be the vibe for another night but not this one.

The minutes before Alex got home, my anxiety was spiking big time. I didn't want to seem too overly excited but at the same time I spent a lot of the day picturing him in his underwear again and also in less.

I was sitting on bed looking into the closet when I heard the door open. My heart jumped. My breathing picked up. Chill tf out. It's fine.

I heard the keys jingle, I guess he was hanging them up. Steps made their way down the hall, getting a little louder as they approached my door. There were a couple of taps and a deep voice,

"Hey Winnie, I'm home,"

I jumped up and, as nonchalantly as I could, swung the door open. I put my hand on my hip and leaned on the door frame,

"Hey... you," I playfully pushed his shoulder. He looked so confused,

"Umm. Hey?" He shook his head and laughed. I was trying so hard to pretend like I hadn't thought about him naked all day. He leaned against the wall across the hallway, "so did you want to come with me tonight? It'll be super chill I promise." He looked at me, waiting. How was he so good looking? How come it took me all day thinking about him naked to realize this? I realized I was just staring at him and quickly snapped out of it. I shook my head then smiled at him. He was still waiting, quizzically.

"Yes!" I blurted out at first, "I mean-" I cleared my throat and tried to sound cool, "yeah totally it'd be pretty cool," I shrugged. Yikes.

He laughed at me again and shook his head in disbelief. "You are so hilarious, wtf" he headed back to the living room. "You're welcome to hang in here until we go if you want."

"Oh, right," I grabbed my phone, purse, and shoes, shut off the light, and followed him. I sat on the far side of the couch, closest to the wall. He was taking my switch out of the dock and replacing it with his. He got it all hooked up then offered a joycon to me.

"Mario Party?" He asked with a wink.

Skeptical but playful, I took the controller.

"Sure but don't uninvite me when you lose."

"Ohhhh!! Shit!" He looked amazed and I just smirked at him. We played two rounds and by then the uber had arrived and it was time to head out. We got our shoes on and headed out the door.

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