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After getting ready as fast as I could, I raced downstairs to the lobby of the apartment building and out the door. Alex had pulled the car up and was leaning against it.

"Well hello," he smiled and waved then held out a tiny bottle. Closer inspection showed me it was a tiny bottle of Tito's.

"Ya know.. to get the night started," he shrugged and winked at me before downing his own bottle. I took the bottle he held out for me but stopped before drinking it,

"Ohhh I see what you're doing." He raised his eyebrows quizzically, "get me drunk and happy soo..." trailing off, I remembered he was technically now my boss and comments about hooking up with each other could maybe get me fired?

I quickly downed the bottle, did a little shudder as it went down, and walked around to the passenger side.

"Let's go!!"


A quick 10 minutes into the city and we had arrived at a place called the cave, a rooftop bar that overlooked the river. We parked and Alex led the way inside.

"The name doesn't really fit... cause ya know we're not in cave, we're outside... and on a rooftop..." he paused for a moment, "but like, this place is really cool. We come here for little business events and stuff." He nodded down at me. I nodded back with a playful smile.

The doors were opened for us as we casually strolled in. To the left of the large room were some tables and a bar, but nothing crazy since all the action was upstairs. To the right was a metal and glass stair case and an elevator. We took the stairs that led to a large glass door. My first observation was that the place was jam packed, loaded up with people, and loud as ever. There was music going but you couldn't even tell, it was covered up by all the talking. Upon further inspection I realized that the upstairs was a huge space with elegant bar height tables, couches along the edges, and lights strung all across the rooftop. The bar itself was covered and was surrounded by people on all sides. As I looked around to check if anything was open, a host approached us.

"Just the two of you?"

"Yeah and if you have anything a little more secluded that'd be great," Alex said, slipping the guy a $50 bill.

Wow... didn't know it was that serious...

The host led us through and around the massive crowd, back to a lounge area that was tucked away from everything else. He showed us to one of the couches with a table in front of it. It was so secluded, I hadn't even been able to see it from the hosts table. Guess the $50 was worth it.

Alex gestured for me to sit first. I did and he sat down next to me, so close I could feel his presence. I could smell the cologne he sprayed over his black hoodie layered beneath a black and brown flannel. I could see the seams of his dark cargo pants that he paired effortlessly with some Nike dunks. He pulled it off so well and he looked so good while doing it. And his smell was so enticing.

"You look great by the way," he said, breaking the awkward silence between us. Was he reading my mind? "Honestly we kind of match."

He wasn't wrong. I don't know how we did that. I wore a long brown skirt with a slit up to my thigh and a matching cropped tank top. I had on black platform sandals and my hair was held up by a brown tortoise shell claw clip. We definitely had a similar thing going on, although brown and black was a simple choice so it wasn't *that* coincidental.

The waitress came and took our orders. The drinks came back quickly. Alex ordered a Moscow mule and I got a vodka cranberry. Basic but good. He held his glass up,

"Here's to new friendships, new jobs, new roommates. And to a new partnership right?"

"Hell yeah," I nodded and tapped his glass with mine. Things had been feeling so awkward so I was glad to be drinking. I didn't know if it was the sexual tension, the being on a date, the being his employee, or what it was. But it felt... professional.

I didn't like it.

A few moments later and we both set empty glasses down.

"I think we're gonna need more" he winked.


"Waaaait stop stop Alex" I laughed, glass in one hand, his thigh in the other, "you're driving us home why didn't you stop?"

Leaned up against the couch, I could feel his gaze. His fingers lightly tucked my hair behind my ear before pinching my cheek,

"I just couldn't resist, Winnie," he said in the most seductive yet cheesy way he could.

Sarcastically and seductively I responded, "Wow that was so hot," while holding the eye contact. His eyebrow raised.

"Was it?" He raised an eyebrow. There was a pause.

Um yeah obviously it was hot because everything you do is hot but you don't need to bring it up like that!

"What?" I laughed, trying to avoid the question, my cheeks getting warm.

"Was it hot, Winona?" He still didn't break the eye contact. My cheeks were on fire. Last time we were drunk together I came onto him so fast and obviously it had such an impression that he had to mention it the next day. Now, not only are we roommates, but technically I work for the guy. I can't keep acting like this.

Ok just play it off.

"I mean, hotness is subjective-"

"Stop." He held my chin in his hand so casually but like he was in control. He didn't even have to try, he could literally get me to do anything.

"Just admit it," He continued, turning my face to his, "You basically did the other night."

My heart was pounding. I didn't even realize how close he had become, just his touch had made me so nervous. He was so close, holding my face up to his. He looked at me, down to my lips, and back again. My eyes searched his, looking for what he wanted. He wasn't even hiding it, I knew he wanted me. And I definitely wanted him, but no matter how drunk I was, I just couldn't.

Or maybe I could? All things in moderation right?

Fuck it.

The gap between our lips was tiny, but I leaned in and closed it. Our lips folded over each other's for a moment before I pulled away. I couldn't hide the shocked expression I knew I had. But of course he had a smirk. He kissed me again, quickly before pulling away. Then he did it again. And again. And then he came in and didn't pull back.

He pulled his hand away from my cheek and instead wrapped his arm around my neck. His lips were warm but strong with desire. I could taste the sting of ginger beer and lime on his tongue. While the room was spinning from the state I was in, I felt anchored to Alex as he leaned in closer. The smell of his cologne blended with the heat from his skin and I felt like I was floating.

I had barely felt his electric touch on my side when we heard it,

"Ahem pardon me but are you all ready for the check?"

Absolutely ashamed of my pda, I was more than ready to jump off of Alex's lap and ten feet across the room. Alex didn't move though. He kept his arm around me and slowly pulled away, muttering a "yeah" before kissing my neck. I'll admit it felt so nice but I was definitely embarrassed.

I waited for him to pull away and look at the check but he didnt. Instead, he grabbed my chin and turned my head back towards him. He pressed his lips onto mine again but I pulled away and leaned to pick up the check. Before you could even blink, he was off of me, grabbing the check before I could even look at it.

"Hey we can split it at least-" I began to offer before he cut me off with a laugh,

"Winona stop. First of all," he looked over at me, "you're broke." He threw a card down and held the check up for the waiter. Clearly wanting us gone, the waiter quickly retrieved it and scurried away to ring us out.

"Second," he continued, bringing his gaze back to mine, "this was my treat. You're signing on to work with us, we're celebrating. It's on me." He got the receipt and signed it before getting up and holding out a hand for me.

"And anyways," he added, "when you look that good, you shouldn't be buying your own drinks."

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