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We had takeout for dinner, took turns in the bathroom to shower and brush our teeth, changed into pajamas, then got ourselves set up in the living room. We'd been drinking a bit so I was on the verge of intoxication but still totally kicking his butt at mario kart.

"Winona I swear if you cross that line-"

"Too late, already crossed it" I said with an innocent smile as I got first again on the last course of the cup we were on. I talked a lot of smack so I made sure I won. Defeated, he leaned back on the couch next to me. His leg rested on mine.

"Well I guess I can say whatever I want now, huh??" I grinned at him and did a little dance.

"Guess so..." He sighed, "except..."

I froze. "Except what...?"

"I mean, I kind of let you win."

He was not doing this.

"Oh my gosh you are such a sore loser!" I exclaimed, shocked.

"Listen all I'm saying is maybe we should have another round of drinks then do a rematch." He acted innocent but I knew he was sus. I was already very tipsy though and didn't mind letting myself get a little rowdy.

"If it will help you sleep tonight then by all means, let me kick your butt again!" I smirked at him.

It really didn't take much thought, because not-sober me would say yes to anything Alex wanted. He was so good looking and I was so attracted to him. His smile was so playful and cute but his personality was so chill and confident. He was such a mystery to me and I wanted to uncover everything about him, mentally and physically. Since the day I met him, I was so intrigued. He stayed on my mind all day every day. He was everything I thought about. Especially that first day, seeing him in his underwear. I realized I still hadn't seen his room. I wanted to be in his room.

I must have been in a trance because suddenly a hand was waving in front of my face.

"Winona??" He eyed me quizzically, "Are you drooling??"

"Ohhh ummmm... sorry!"

GIRL get it together!! I smiled and held up my cup,

"You said you wanted more drinks?"

After another round (or two? I lost count) of drinks we were finishing up another round of Mario kart. This time my butt was being kicked while Alex also purposefully distracted me by talking or messing with my controller. I kept falling off the track and wasn't doing so good. It was the last race and I was determined to win but couldn't stop giggling every time I fell or bumped into the wall. He finished in first again, while I was stuck in 10th.

"Wow Winona, would you look at that," he said sarcastically, gazing up at his win and my ongoing struggle.

"Allleexxx," I whined, "drunk driving is illegal what do I dooo!!!"

He leaned back on the couch and laughed at me. Our legs were magnetic, resting on each other again.

He patted my cheek, "Aww babe, it's okay. I already won, you can accept defeat." I side eyed him.

"Give it to me," He said, reaching over and grabbing my hands. Was he trying to hold them? Maybe it was a little truth to the whole fake girlfriend thing? I wasn't complaining, so I fit my fingers in between his. We both looked down at our hands woven together. After a moment, I looked up at him, the game's music still blaring.

He was smiling at me then. I looked down at his lips, resting in an adorable, soft curve. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I've been craving his lips and his touch for the last two days. I longed to be close to him. I wanted to spend the night in his room and wake up in his bed, with my hair a mess from what we would have done the night before.

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