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Uggghhhh.... What is so bright???

Shielding my eyes with my hand, I barely opened my right eye,


I brought both hands to my eyes, protecting them from the daylight coming through the window. The sun was literally causing my head to split. Ok maybe not literally, but it seriously felt like it. I forced an eye open, groaning with the pain.

Ok now where tf am I...?

The dresser was familiar. A vase with wilting black roses sat on top of it. I was definitely in my own bed. There was a pile of clothes on the floor next to the dresser. Holding my head, I forced myself up onto an elbow and focused on the clothes.

Is that really what I wore last night?

Sitting up all the way, I noticed a mug of water and ibuprofen on the bedside table. Without any thought, I downed the mug's contents and the pain killers. A few deep breaths and i peeled myself out of the bed.

I tied my robe as I headed down the hallway to the bathroom. My disheveled reflection greeted me in the mirror and I accepted it, feeling a bit too hungover to care. Priority number one was to brush my teeth because everyone feels better when their mouth isn't musty. Mostly mindless, I prepped my toothbrush and got to business. Not a lot was going on in my head for a minute until all of a sudden everything came back to me.

Wait a second....

I caught my own eyes in the mirror, watching them grow wider. My cheeks were roasting. What the actual fuck was wrong with me?? I came onto Alex last night??? Did we.. wtf??

As soon as the thought came to my mind, I heard a door open and the hallways floorboards creak. As quickly and quietly as I could, I finished brushing my teeth, rinsed my face, brushed my hair, and began sneaking back to my room. My hand was on the door knob when I heard him,

"Oh hey, good morning"


Frozen in my tracks, I put on an inconspicuous smile and turned around.

"Alex...! Hiii...!"

He had a pitying look on his face and responded simply with "Girl you're fine."

"Excuse me?"

"If you're worried that we... hooked up last night, don't. You're fine."

I slumped a little. Relieved, definitely, but also a tad disappointed. But I wasn't going to make that obvious so I may have over played it a bit,

"Ohhh PHEW I was worried," I gave him a big smile and a thumbs up and went into my room.

After getting dressed for the day, I went back out to the kitchen to grab something to eat. While my headache was dissipating, my stomach was feeling emptier and emptier. I went out to find Alex at the kitchen island on his phone. I didn't say anything, just went about my business grabbing some Apple Jacks and almond milk from the fridge.

"Well I'm glad nothing happened last night" I said over my shoulder as I filled my bowl.

"I didn't say nothing happened" he responded.

It took me a moment but then I realized what he said. I was processing the comment and didn't realize I had over-poured my cereal.

"Shit-" I said, almond milk spilling onto my hand. I quickly reached for the paper towels and cleaned up as fast as I could. As I was wiping up the splashes of almond milk on the counter, Alex was up and walking around the island.

Working as fast as I could so I could leave, I felt my cheeks getting warm. Before I could finish, he was behind me, both his hands on the counter beside my hips. I didn't turn around, I couldn't. I froze as his hands moved to my hips. The smell of vetiver on him was enticing and his beard tickled the back of my neck. The way he made me feel, I wanted to run and hide in my room, while at the same time I wanted to spin around and let him have me. But we were supposed to be only roommates.

His voice was quiet and a little raspy next to my ear, "I didn't say nothing happened. But if you're drunk with me like that again, something might."

He lingered for what felt like forever, but in the blink of an eye he was down the hallway, closing the door to his room.

roommates at bestजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें