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We got home a little after 12am. We ubered back home and would have to get the car tomorrow. So for now, we were stranded.

As soon as we walked in the house though, we were back to where we were at the bar. Only this time it was vertically on the couch. Alex was on top of me, his kisses a lot more passionate than before, with a hand on my hip. I pressed my body against his and kissed him back. I ran my fingers through his hair. I wanted him so bad and clearly the feeling was mutual. I slowly moved my hands down his body, feeling his breathing as I felt his chest. I let my hands travel all the way to his zipper to start undoing it. Reluctantly, he pulled away.

"Waaait, Winona we probably shouldn't."

Excuse me??

"Sorry I know, what a surprise," he laughed "I mean like should we, yeah definitely. But like, should we? Probably not."


I pushed him off and sat up. It wasn't that I was mad he was rejecting my advances, it was more like a surprised and respectful disappointment.

"Wait I'm like really confused. Did I misread something?" My heart was racing. I sat up, pushing him off of me, and scooted to the opposite side of the couch.

"It's all good," he sighed, running a hand through his brown hair. We both stared at the floor, "I just think hooking up isn't like, the best idea right now with like... the fact that we live together..." I felt his eyes on me then. I didn't respond at first, my mind was still spinning from the drinks, but once I registered what he said I couldn't help but laugh,

"Ok it's funny because I literally thought the same thing earlier,"

"Oh good," he sounded relieved. "Well in that case," he stood up, patted me on the head, and turned around, "good night Winona."

I leaned back on the couch and watched him disappear into the shadow of the hallway. His door closed gently. He was probably going straight to sleep. I laid my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. The room was spinning and my body was still tingling from his touch.


My eyes flew open. The room was so bright it hurt. My head was pounding.

Again? Really?

I sat up and immediately felt a pain in my neck. Massaging it as best I could, I first noticed a huge tv hanging on the wall across the room. Next was Alex, looking hot as hell in boxer shorts and nothing else, leaning against the hall doorway. A pillow laid on the floor in front of me. I fell asleep on the couch.

"Dang you really slept out here?" He smirked at me.

"Umm yes and? What's your point?" The throw blanket covering me was so thin but I was getting warm from embarrassment. Flinging it off, I noticed my clothes from the night before were still on.

"Why don't you just do your little walk of shame into the shower and get ready so we're not late?" He asked like he knew it was the obvious thing for me to do, he just wanted to add to my embarrassment. But the late comment? I had no clue what he was talking about.

"Yeah," I pelted the pillow on the floor back at him, "no shit Sherlock!!" I got up and grabbed my dying phone. "But what are we gonna be late for?"

"Well first we still have to go get the car. Then we have a meeting with Matt and some of our label people," he ran his hand through his hair before heading to the kitchen for some cereal. "We have to introduce you, sign some paperwork..." he shoveled some Reese's puffs into his mouth, "and we have some projects we want you to start working on."

"Oh! Well in that case that's actually so cool. What time do we need to be there?" I started heading down the hallway. He made his way to the living room, plopping down on the spot I was at on the couch.

"The label requested 1:30,"

"What time is it now?"


My eyes widened. I was so behind. Why didn't he wake me up sooner?? I turned and looked at him expectantly for some kind of explanation. He paid me no attention, his eyes glued to the tv.

Maybe he was fucking with me? Quickly, I looked down and checked my phone. He was right, it was 1:14. A few seconds later, the 4 changed to a 5, the 1% in the top corner became a 0%, and just after that, the screen went black.

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