Before I could even get a chance to look up, I was swept off the floor, suddenly finding myself surrounded by white tiles, a sink, and a toilet. I was gently placed on the bathroom cabinet, Alpha Allen running his eyes all over my body, examining me.

Fear covered his entire face before his eyes finally settled on mine. He nodded to himself, before falling to his knees and opening up the cabinet, pulling out a rectangular white box, and getting up to a standing position again. He opened it up, revealing a myriad of bandaids, gazes, disinfectant wipes, one time thermometers- those kinds of things.

"Can I see your foot?" he asked. I nodded silently, still mostly frozen in place. He pulled my socks off my foot, his brows furrowing at the sight of the blood. He sat down on the toilet in front of me, gently examine my foot. He raised his eyes. "Mind handing me the tweezers? I gotta get the glass pieces out,"

Finally breaking free of m frozen state, I shifted through the bandaids and gaze, before handing it to him. He smiled at me before returning his attention to my food, spending the next few minutes carefully removing each tiny piece of porcelain from my foot, dropping them in the tiny trash bin next to the toilet. When he finished, he threw the tweezers in the bin too and asked for some cotton and gaze.

He shook his head as he slowly wrapped the gaze around my food. "How come you keep on finding ways of scaring me half to death? Either you run away, or almost get hit by a bike or you step on glass," he chuckled a little to himself, before looking back up at me. "What's it with you today? You trying to give me a heart attack?" He smiled, before putting the leftover gaze back in the first aid kit, and stuffing it back into the cabinet.

He shook his head, carefully reaching out for my hands. A smile spread on his face when I didn't move them away. He looked back up at me, his eyes s soft they reminded me of a cup of nice hot chocolate- making a blush creep up my neck, spreading all the way up to my ears.

He sighed, rubbing my hands which he held in his with his thumbs. "I know that this is a lot for you and that you don't want to meet them, but, and I know you probably don't give a fuck about it... it would mean so much to me if you'd please just meet them, eat dinner with us. My parents would never hurt you, hell, my mom's basically just waiting for us to start making her grandkids," he laughed, looking back down at my hands. The seconds passed by before he looked back up at me. "And talking about parents, I was thinking that since mine are coming over tomorrow, then perhaps yours can come by on Wednesday? I noticed that they liked lasagna in the hospital, we could have lasagna?" he asked.

My heart starting beating faster. I'd completely forgotten that he'd promised me that I'd get to see them. I suddenly hate dr. Shrink a little less now- it's not her fault she's been brainwashed, anyways.

"Uh, I'll have to call them and ask them if they can get time off, but if they can't..." I shrugged, my heart suddenly falling down to my stomach again.

He let go of one of my hands, nudging my head up a bit, a playful smile playing on his lips. "Trust me, I'll make sure that they can get their time off, Love. I promised you that you'd see your parents twice a week, you'll be seeing them twice a week," he said, leaving no place for argumentation. He wrinkled his nose for a bit. "Uhm, Love, I'll have to talk to you later, you can go freshen up in you room or whatever you wanna do, but I gotta talk to you about something... a few things actually, but just... go relax, I'll have someone bring a new plate of food to your room so you can eat in peace,"


A knock drew my attention to the door, and I couldn't help but sit up a little straighter as I croaked out a quiet 'come on in'. Alpha Allen poked his head in, his usual smile absent. He went up to me asking me if he could take a seat on the couch next to me, to which I nodded silently.

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