Chapter 82

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Sorrrrrryyyyyy for the long break. You know me.

Been busy with uni, the ush. Assignments, exams, all that garbage. I love learning, I just hate being quizzed and tested on how well I've memorized stuff that even experinced people in the field would occasionally have to look up. 

Kay, kay, enough complaining - enjoy. And by the way, I'm not certain how many real chapters are left, but it'll probably not be more than 5-ish. With the way updates have been going, it's about time I let of this project and give Paige's story a proper ending. 


December 22nd

I skimmed over the list of demands and suggestions, leaning against Allen for support. Last night had become late, going over and revising the suggestions that Allen and Xiandre had conjured up, making it sound formal, research of complex political bullshit that we had to slither through and change, to get to the root of the problems. As a result, I was so tired I felt like my legs might collapse under me any second.

"You look like shit."

I looked up at Allen with narrowed eyes. "Why thank you, I love you too."

He frowned. "You know what I mean. You shouldn't have stayed up that late. Do you think I should go over this in the meeting?" He reached for the papers, slowly.

I yanked them out of his reach. "No. No. This, all of this, is because of me. I love you, Allen. But with everythings that's happened, ever since we met... you've always been the one in the position of power, the one who in one way or the other took charge of my life, and I understand why but..." I bit my lip, inhaling deeply. "I need to be the one to see this through, Allen. I need to be in control of this."

He gazed down at me, eyes examining over the features of my face, his brows furrowed in concern. I looked right back, my eyes stern. Determined. I want to do this. I need to do this.

He read the unspoken words, and nodded, his phase morphing into a soft smile, the one reserved for me. "I understand, my Love. And I and so, so proud of you. I believe in you."

The elevator doors opened, now on the floor of the meeting room. Allen's hand grabbed around mine, and I felt his words resonate within me. Allen believed in me, and more importantly, so did I.


The meeting room was clean, sleek and quiet as every other time we'd entered it for the past few days.

I blinked tiredly, glancing over each and every Alpha of the room. A few glanced my way, but most had during the course of the negotiations gotten used to my presence, and seemingly accepted it as a (most likely in their eyes temporary) reality. The last one my eyes landed on was Alpha Mabel, who sent me a snide, cruel smile of feigned concern.

"Oh, Miss White, stay up too late reading law books, did you? Are you sure you're up to the meeting? You look a little worn out." The tone was sickly sweet, to any stranger it would have sounded kind, an inquiry inspired by genuine care. But now that I'd had to listen to her over and over for the last few days, it was obvious to hear the venom dripping from the crevice of every syllable.

I didn't even react, just turned to Alpha Xiandre who looked as bored as I was tired, staring at his phone. "Xiandre, I must again thank you for the invitations to your home. It was lovely to meet both Hannah and Lola. By the way, please have Hannah text me the recipe for her Bot Chien, I clean forgot to ask for it yesterday."

He nodded, a knowing smile spreading on his face as his eyes flickered in the general direction of Alpha Mabel. I could almost smell the ash of the smoke that had to be coming out of her ears at being ignored.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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