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Queen's Mansion
Scarlet's POV

I was talking to Diggle when Oliver came in.

" What happened? Thea okay?" He asks worried about his sister.

" The cops brought her home. Her and some of her friends broke into a store, tried on some dresses last night. Lit up the breathalyzer like a Christmas tree" I explain

" So how was your evening sir?" Diggle asks

" You mean after I said I had to go to the bathroom at dinner and never came back?" Oliver questions making me raise an eyebrow.

" I guess from now on I'll be watching you pee" Dig says making me chuckle quietly but the two males heard it and smiled.

" Thank you officer. My wife and I appreciate it. I'll see you out" Walter says

" Last time it was intoxication. This time it's breaking and entering. My how we are moving in the criminal world." Moira sighs.

" You know when you pay off the store owner you should check out the merchandise. They got some pretty killer outfits." Thea points out, I raise an eyebrow. Moira sighs.

" Thea go get ready for school" Her mother instructs.

" Uh, you know, I was thinking of taking a sick day." The younger girl says

" Fine, then go get some sleep. You look like crap" Thea nods and goes up to her room.

" You're letting her play hooky?" Oliver asks in disbelief.

" When your sister gets like this it's best to give her space" Moira explains

" She's testing you"

"Yes who'd she learn it from?"

" Mom. When I was her age you and dad let me get away with murder"

" Please don't tell me you killed someone" I say sitting on the steps. I small memory of lifeless eyes flash in my head. I shake my head subtly. After realizing that the two Queen's had ignored my plea, I tune out the rest of the conversation.

Oliver's night club

Tommy dragged me to come with him to see the night club. He knows that my family used to own a night club and that I would help quite a bit. My mom was sick most of the time and Wesley would take care of her. When people would see my dad working at the bar they would talk and him having to keep up his reputation put me in charge of the night club. My sister and my other brother were way to young to run it. Usually I would have to bartend, pick out the Dj's, order stuff and more things like that.

" So what do you think? Great spot for a night club or what?" Oliver asks

" Sweet. Though I got to tell you, man, if your thinking of calling it Queens, I don't think your going to get the clientele that you were hoping for." Tommy says, I smile and tune out of their conversation looking around the bar. When I tune back in.

" Man, are you sure you want to do this?" Tommy questions his best friend as I make my way back to them. " Its not like you have any experience in running a... well running anything. How about tomorrow night we go out to scope the competition."

I speak up " There's a new club downtown. It's called Poison. Max Fuller owns it"

" Max Fuller?" Oliver questions looking over at me, I nod.

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