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Scarlet's POV

I've been trying to avoid Oliver since last night. I showed him my weak state which not even my family has seen. But I couldn't fully avoid him since I'm helping him find Walter with Felicity. He was hitting a wooden stick onto this thing with things poking out.

- Sorry, I don't know what it's called I tried to describe it as much as I can. Sorry again :( -

I was leaning infront of the table with all the computers on it. Felicity sat behind the table working on the computers and would occasionally glance at Oliver. ( he was shirtless) Diggle was watching Oliver.

" Might wanna take it easy if you plan on taking someone off that list." Diggle says his arms crossed with his own wooden stick in his hand.

" This is me taking it easy." Oliver says breaking his wooden stick on one of the sticks poking out of the thing.

- I'm so sorry-

Felicity takes in a sharp breath.

" So who's the unlucky guy tonight?" Diggle questions Oliver .

" Ken Williams." Oliver answers. I notice how Felicity started typing. She was probably searching him up.

" His pyramid scheme stole millions. People didn't just lose their homes, their lives were ruined." I say staring at the floor more memories flooding my head. I felt Oliver's gaze on me. I look up. His eyes were narrowed he was eyeing me.

" Right" he says. Putting his shirt on. " Why don't you three call it in early? I'm not expecting much trouble." Oliver says. He grabs his bow and arrow and the top part of his suit and goes for the door. I take out my phone checking to see if my brother had done anything. I hear Oliver try to open the door but it doesn't seem to work he tries one more time but nothing happens.

" Felicity!" He yells he yells coming down the stairs to the blonde haired girl. " Did you just... ?"

" Computer-override your lock?" She asks " Maybe a little." Diggle and I walk closer to them.

" What are you doing?"

" I pulled up information on Mr.Williams. Did you know he's a widowed father of a 10-year-old boy?"

" I told you, I'm only in this to help Walter, not to be an accessory to orphaning little kids." Diggle shakes his head.

" I'm just giving giving him a warning."

" Has it occurred to you you could for some real good in the city? Beyond recovering people's portfolios and saving accounts." Oliver goes past her and leans down to unlock the door from the computer. Before he fully stand tall he whispers to Felicity.

" You're not the only one who knows hot to reboot my system." Felicity gulps.

" I made a mistake." 

" Getting in my way? I don't disagree"

" No" Felicity say dstanding up making Oliver to fully stand and move away from her. " Signing in with you. Even provisionally." She says then walks away. Oliver looks at Diggle and I. Diggle cocks his head to the side and looks at me. I sigh and follow Felicity. Feeling Oliver's gaze on the two of us. 

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