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I opened my eyes...or were they still closed? I couldn't tell, everything was white around me. Hospital? But there was absolutely nothing in the room with me. I move my feet slowly only now realizing the weight I felt. It's like a baby first learning how to walk. I stumble and trip over my legs. I sigh, as I fall down.

It's not a lucid dream or sleep paralysis....maybe I'm dead? I furrow my eyebrows.

" What did you expect Scarlet?" I question myself aloud " your father warned you about this."

" You're not dead." A voice says stopping my muttering. I look around hoping to find out where the source of the voice was coming from but I couldn't see anyone. " Boo." A face appears in-front of me, making me jerk back in surprise. I meet a pair of grey eyes, all I had to see was the purple hair for me to figure out who it was.

" Violet." I say. The 15 year old smiles at me.

" You know I'm not a fan of those who break promises." She says her smile never dropping.

" I didn't break anything." I say. She raises an eyebrow. "Really?" She asks taking a step toward me" Then imagine my surprise when a special someone told me about your little trip in Russia." I furrow my eyebrows.

Oliver didn't know about my powers then so it couldn't have been him, the Arrow team couldn't have said anything either. Wesley wouldn't do that to me...but Firearm does mess with your head.

" You really thought I wouldn't find out?" She says breaking my train of thought.

" I couldn't risk my life, we were trying to save someone else as it is. Why widen the burden?" I defend. She kicks my shins, cussing me to fall on the ground. She then grabs me by my hair, yanking it backwards.

" The deal was I erase your records and I don't tell anyone about your murder spree." I clench my jaw. There was no point in fighting back, I was to weak and Violet's abilities are more stronger then mine. " and in return I give you a curse that you're not allowed to hide." She continues, she leans down so that she was about eye-level with me.

She lets go of my hair. " I'm going to give you one warning, if you cover your eyes again then I'll make sure to break my part of deal as-well. Which means everything about you will be shared." She threatens. My eyes search hers, looking for a bluff.

" Fine."

She gets up and puts out a hand for me. I bite the inside of my cheek as I take it. It takes me a moment to get my footing, once I did I meet her eyes again. She gives me an innocent smile. " Say hi to your siblings for me...and the Arrow." I furrow my eyebrows. Before I can do or say anything she disappears and the white room starts spinning, turning darker in each spin making me dizzier and dizzier.

My hands grab something soft from underneath me crumbling it as a scream threatens to leave my mouth. " Hey, hey." I hear a soft voice from beside me. Whatever I'm laying on dips down. Something warm settles on one of my hands and another on my thigh.

" I-it hurts" I manage to say through clenched teeth. I try too open my eyes, water filled them too the point where I couldn't make out the figure in-front of me. Before I can react I feel something against my lips. Someone was kissing me. my first instinct was to push them away, which I tried but stopped when they said, " It's okay, I won't hurt you," For some reason my stomach filled with trust and relief and I believed them. I kissed them back, grateful for the distraction from the pain, which seemed like the reason they kissed me in the first place.

Only second later, the person pulled away, the pain was still there but it felt like it hurt less, "Scarlet." A voice says holding my hand, I open my eyes slowly, the person in-front of me coming into view.

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