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My name is Oliver Queen. After five years on a hellish island. I have come home with only one goal: to save my city. But to do so, I can't be the killer I once was. To honor my friend's memory, I must be someone else. I must be... something else.


Scarlet's POV

" It's been so long since I've gone to a club." James says his eyes taking in every detail of Oliv- Thea's club. I let out a hum and turn too Wesley who was having a drink

" Why are you still here?" I ask making him look at me with a raised eyebrow.

" What Scar? you don't want me around." He says. I Smile.

" Yeah...I don't" His jaw drops and he puts one of his hands on the opposite side of where is heart is trying to pretend like he was hurt.

" How dare you." I give him an innocent smile.

" Wes." James making the two of us turn to look at him. He seemed to be trying to hold in a laugh. " That's not where your heart is."

" Oh." He says a slight frown on his face making me laugh a bit louder then before. People gave us weird looks. Well actually they gave me weird looks. But did I care? No.

" Why aren't you being your normal player self?" I ask once I calmed down my voice serious.

" I thought you hate me when I become my normal playa' self."

" I do, but that never seemed to stop you before." I point out.

" Yeah," He takes a swing of his alcoholic drink. " I guess it's just with everything going on. You know Tommy, seeing our dad again, James coming out of nowhere-"

"Hey" James says defensively. " I did not come out of nowhere I was in San Diego." We look at him . Blinking a few times. " What?" I shake my head.

" Look I shouldn't have brought either of you in this mess-" Wesley cuts me off before I continue.

" We promised you that we'd always be here for you, that promise still stands." He says James nods agreeing with him. I give them a thankful smile.

" Anyway I'm gonna go be normal playa' self." He says walking away.

" And I'm going to get a drink." James says also walking away leaving me alone. I sigh. My phone rings. I look at it. Laurel.

" Hey." I say walking too a place with less noise. " Is everything okay?"

" Yeah," She says, " Roy is at the police station." I sigh closing my eyes in annoyance.

" What did he do this time?"

" Well we found an arrow with him and if I'm correct it's one of the Vigilante arrows and he was running after criminals resulting in him getting hurt. " My eyes snap open. He tried to go after a criminal.

" Ill be there. See ya in a bit." I say then hang up. Dang it Roy.

Police Station

I walk around the police station trying to find Laurel when I spot Thea pacing back and forth and Oliver sitting watch her. I furrow my eyebrows walking up to them,

" How did you two.." I trail off making Oliver raise an eyebrow. " Actually, you know what? Nevermind."

" Your here for Roy?" Thea asks stopping her pacing. I nod. Before she could say anything Roy walks out of the interrogation room. Thea questions him quickly. " What happened?" He doesn't answer. She puts a hand on his shoulder. " Are you hurt?"

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