Untitled Part 21

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The Base
Scarlet's POV

I walk down the stairs. Oliver looks up at me. 

" Hey." He says. I nod at him. 

" Where were you?" Felicity asks getting up to stand beside Oliver. I walk towards where they were. 

" Iron Heights prison." I say. Oliver raises his eyebrow at me. " I was visiting....someone." He cocks his head to the side. I could tell he had questions. I walked around them and to the table full of computers. 

" anyways," Felicity says turning back to Oliver. " At the risk of ending up with an arrow in my eye, can I ask...when are planning on making peace with Diggle." I turn the chair around to look at Oliver. 

" He's the one who left Felicity." Oliver shoots back. " I did everything I could to stop him" 

" Accept apologize." I say. Oliver looks up at me. " You promised you'd help track Floyd and you-"

" Made a choice that I can live with." Oliver says cutting me off. " If he can't then I don't need him." 

" Oliver." Felicity says softly. 

" I need to get back to the club. Let me know when you break in." He says. With more glance at me he leaves. Felicity turns to walk towards me. 

" I wish someone would send me off to the Caymans." She says. I let out a laugh. 

" What does Oliver need from you?" I ask.

" To hack a laptop for Backman" 

" Looks like you'll need a bit of help." I say scanning the computer screen IN front of me." She nods and we get to work.

Oliver's POV

" Of all the gin joints in all the towns and in the world she walks into mine." I say 

" This coffee is terrible, Oliver." Laurel says 

" That's what you get for ordering coffee at a bar." I say, I eye her for a minute. " Look tired. Too much work?"

"  Too much crying." She says, I furrow my eyebrows, concern filling me. " Tommy broke up with me." 

" What happened." I asked after a moment of silence. I was thinking back to the conversation Tommy and I had.

" I have no idea." She says but there seemed to be something else. "Things were good they were great. And  then suddenly he's packing up his things and telling me it's over." 

" Are you guys talking about Tommy." Wesley voice asks making us turn towards him. He sits down beside Laurel. " Don't worry, that was his biggest mistake." He says, Laurel ignores him and turns to me. 

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