02x01 City of Heroes

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Scarlet's POV

I sigh as I sit back leaning on a tree. My life has been a roller coaster ever since Tommy's death. I close my eyes, my head going through what happened a few days ago.


Iron Heights Prison.

I sit down in front of the man once again. He narrows his eyes at me.

" Didn't think I'd see you again despite our last conversation." He says hiding a smirk. I roll my eyes crossing my arms over my chest as hatred filled my body.

" Tommy Merlyn." I say making him raise his eyebrow at me.

" Why bring up the deceased all of a sudden?" I glance up at the ceiling I didn't know how I was going to say this

" I...can...heal him." I say trying to choose my words carefully. This seemed to catch his attention as his eyes widened in shock. He recomposed himself and leaned forward.

" You can't heal someone who's dead." He spits. His words bring back memories of my mother's death. I shake my head slightly, I had to focus on this. " Unless of course...." He trails off leaning back in his chair. " You know someone who can."

I shake my head letting out a small bitter laugh . " I wish " I mutter. The old man narrowed his eyes. " Before Tommy...supposedly died, I put a shield on him." He once again leans forward.

" A shield?" He asks making sure he heard me right. I hated the power of putting shields on people, they honestly did nothing. Only kept the person safe/alive for a certain amount of time.

" Tommy was already hurt when I put it on him so when he "died" the shield would've weakened"

" How do you know he's still conscious?" I take a sharp breath.

" If he was dead I would've seen him by now." he furrows his eyebrows then he realizes what I meant

" The power to talk to and see the dead." He mutters more to himself then me. This has to be a mistake. I nod ignoring my thoughts. He looks at me in the eye. " You can't see or talk to you mother because she doesn't want you too." My jaw clenches at that. My hands turning into fists under the table. " How do you know he's not doing the same thing?"

" Tommy doesn't know I have powers and besides he wouldn't know how to do that." He nods slowly.

" You were never the one to come to waste someone's time with information they wouldn't need too know." He leans even more forward. " So tell me dear daughter why did you come?" I roll my eyes also leaning forward.

" I need your help." I say the words I never thought I would say again to the man sitting in front of me.

End of Flashback

My thoughts are broken off when I hear a rustling noise, I look up and sigh when I see a man. He was a ghost even though I never actually liked to call any off them that. He's been following but I never was able to question him because he would always disappear when I tried to: He looked familiar but I don't remember where I've seen him before.

He looked to be around 50. He had short blonde dark hair, a beard and blue eyes. I sigh.

" If you want me to pass on a message to your family, I'm not doing it." I say getting up and looking at the man, he was taller then me but I was on a higher leveled ground so I was around the same height as him. I wasn't trying to be rude but I have had to actually go to people's families and give them messages and they would always be suspicious of me. I've seen people break apart, cry, have horrible memories come to them. I had people throw stuff at me, yell at me, hit me. Eventually I decided to  stop passing messages to families who had lost someone.

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