"Ta da! How do you like it! The great Deidara's newest masterpiece! I call it..."

The girl threw up all over the floor, driven mad by the sight of the abomination that sat at the bottom of the staircase.

"Mommy and Daddy together!" Deidara proclaimed, pointing at the melted together bodies of the two parents, a twisted gleam in his eye.

"W-W-Why..." The girl began to cry, turning to Deidara, a furious and yet terrified glare illuminating in her gaze.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!?" The girl screamed, now wracked with coughs as she threw up once more.

Her vomit was now, oddly enough...


Deidara smiled, bending down to look the girl in the eyes.

"Because, art is..."

The girls' white vomit squirmed beneath her as her eyes widened in horror as the man laughed in her face.


And with that, little Usaki's body exploded, guts spraying all over the kitchen floor. Blood splattered onto his face as he let out a satisfied sigh, standing to his feet, and taking a few steps away from the gory scene.

He held out his hands, the mouth on one of them grinning with its tongue out as he did a motion with them, as if capturing a scene.

"I think I'll call this one..."

"Ewsaki's dirty kitchen!"

His exclamation was met with deafening silence as he brought a hand to his chin, absorbed in thought.

"Hn. I don't know, that title is just a bit too tacky for my tastes. Oh well, will have to workshop it I guess." Deidara mused aloud, bringing his fingers together as he had burst into a cloud of smoke.

It soon dissipated, revealing the same little girl who had just had her life taken away.

"La...la,la,la? *Cough* Laaaaaaaa! There, I got the voice down! Am I amazing or what, hn!" Deidara said, now mimicking the vocals of the little girl he had murdered and assumed the identity of.

He smirked deviously, the wicked expression out of place on the visage of a little girl. Clapping his hands, the clay spiders ran to his side.

"Alright guys, lets clean this place up and move my newest pieces to the cellar!" Deidara ordered as the explosive abominations moved to do his bidding.

Wiping his hands clean, he smiled, and jumped onto the coach in their living room.

"Now, time to catch some Z's" Deidara joked, his clay spiders pulling the blinds closed on the window that lay a few feet behind himself.

And as the dawns rays were cut off by the window blinds, so too ended another night in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, as the moon began to wane in the sky, and sun began to rise.


A single ray of light shined into the living room area of the Yugao Residence. The curtains having a small crack in its lining allowed it beam onto Yuma's right eye. He grimaced in his sleep, rubbing his eye as he began to stir awake. He squinted and with a grunt, turned to his side, burying his face into the sofa's fluffy pillows.

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