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"What are you doing?" My blood runs cold when Huening Kai finds me in the living room with my luggage.

He's drunk, as usual, and has to hold on to the wall to prevent him from falling.

His stare doesn't leave me, it's the longest he's looked at me in a long time. It feels like there's a frog stuck in my throat; no matter how hard I swallow it's still there. Stuck.

"I'm... leaving" I turn my gaze to my shoes and start moving forward to leave this apartment.

Kai grabs onto the hem of my T shirt, halting me to a stop.

"Don't.." hes totally fucked up, he can't even keep his eyes open.

"Let go please" it feels like my body is being poked by millions of burning kneedles.

"You... can't..." I start moving again, but he doesn't let go.

"" he tugs harder on the fabric.

"Stop pulling on my T shirt!" My words must have got through to him because he lets go almost immediately. I spin to look at him- to cuss at him, hell, I even wanted to hit him! but, I fucked up because I looked at him and it looks like he loves me.

"I love you" his words sting.

How could you offer me love like this?

I lick my dry lips "Nothing's getting better Kai" he looks as hopeless as I sound.

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