YOUR DOG 1 (Book 2)

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"Soo-Bin <3" Yeonjun wraps his arms around my waist and lays his chin on my shoulder.

"Helloooo" I say as I'm buttoning up my white shirt.

"I missed you" He pecks my cheek.

"You saw me this morning" I turn my head so this time we could properly kiss. The kiss was an innocent peck, my favorite kind.

"So? I miss you all of the time, I hate Fridays!" Fridays was the one day of the week that mine and my boyfriends schedules over lapped, we saw each other at most 10 minutes in the morning and if Yeonjun gets home fast enough, we'll have another 10 minutes before I'm off.

"I miss you all the time too-" my watch beeps to let me know I'm going to be late if I don't start moving. I pull from Yeonjuns hold and rush to get my bag on the bed "-but I have to go now"

"Are you going to sleep here again?" Yeonjun asks

"Probably not, I wish, but I'm all out of clothes"

"You can wear mine"

"We may be the same height but your shoulders and muscles are too big"

"Ughhhh just move in with me already" I smile at him and blow him a kiss as I leave his apartment.


"I'm going to throw up"

"No you're not"

"I feel it coming up"

"If you throw up I swear to god I will be the shit out of you in front of all these nice people" Taehyun warns me. I'm so nervous that I start gagging. There's a near by plant and I start heaving over it.

"You better not! Swallow it! SOOBIN FUCKING SWALLOW!"

"Is everything okay?" Me and Taehyun turn around and we're met with a pretty lady with long blonde hair and a pink suit. The infamous pink suit. Immediately Soobin and Taehyun bow. This is the legend Rosé. After her idol life ended she became a famous fashion designer and somehow Taehyun and I managed to catch her eye with our designs.

"Oh boys don't flatter me! You two are so handsome, have you considered modeling?" She asks us

"Soobin would throw up in the runway and I prefer behind the scenes" Rosé nods her head in understanding.

"Well, then let's take this meeting to my office then"


"HOLY SHIT DUDE HOLY SHIT!" Taehyun keeps cussing, and I was pumped with adrenaline.

Rosé didn't like our designs- she LOVED them. So much so that she wants to send us to New York next month to work on runways and styling.

"We're going to New York Soobin!" It felt like a dream. I knew even dreamt of this because I didn't think it was possible. I'm going to the big apple to work with the best of the best! To BECOME the best if the best.

"When are you going to tell Yeonjun" Taehyun asks.

I hadn't even thought of that. I was in such bliss that I forgot that going to New York meant I would have to leave Yeonjun behind.

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