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"What did you do?" I ask Kai. He's in the kitchen, red wine all over the floor and he's drinking from the bottle.

"Don't fucking worry about it" he cusses, making my eyes roll.

"Where were you?"

"A friend" I step closer and see his eyes are dilated.

"Did you take pills again?!"

"Two" he holds up two fingers. This pisses me off but  I know better than to argue with him when he's cross faded.

"Just keep it down, I'm writing right now" he laughs

"What's so funny?" I ask him.


"Say it"

He looks like he's contemplating whether he should say what he's about to say "You're wasting your time"




"Beomgyu, it's so fucking dumb. How many books have you tried getting published but failed? It's just not cut out for you" I can feel my heart breaking.

"Why would you say that to me?"

"Because somebody has to" I shove him back into the kitchen counter.

"Are you trying to make me cry?" Because it's working "just you watch Huening Kai, I'm going to publish a book and it's going to make you look like a fucking fool!"

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