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"Ah shit" Huening Kai spills his wine "sorry you just make me nervous" he smiles innocently while wiping the red liquid with napkins.

I smile at his awkwardness "Why do I make you nervous?" I ask, leaning towards him.

"I don't know, maybe it's because you're the prettiest first date I've ever had" his words never fail to make my heart skip.

I'm nervous too, but I'm not as vocal as him so I sip my wine to blame it on my blush.

It's our first date. Kai and I both hate cheesy candle lit dinner dates, but we decided to try it out to see what the hype is all about.

"You're quite the flirt" I smile, my hands shaking in my lap.

"No I'm not, I'm just honest because I've just downed 3 glasses of wine" he sits up straight and runs a hand through his curls. His hands are stained red because of the wine.

"I'm nervous too" I admit. I look around the restaurant, everyone dressed fancy, even their laughs sounded fancy.

Truthfully, I didn't like the environment. Both Kai and I dressed the part- suit and tie- but aside from that, everything felt wrong. Even the menu felt wrong. I can't even pronounce half of this menu- is it English ?

Maybe Kai wasn't feeling it either, or perhaps he saw how uncomfortable I was "Let's go somewhere else?" He asks.

"Oh my god please"

We continue our dinner date at a small 24 hour diner. We shared chili cheese fries, he had a coke and I drank chocolate milk.

It didn't even matter that I got mustard on my suit.

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