Chapter 30:

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A stifled sob makes its way out, as Sera runs, trying to run away from the truth. . . 

Yet it still catches up to her. 

He didn't love me, she thinks, smearing the tears with the back of her hand. He didn't care about me at all. 

The world can be so cruel sometimes. 

The sorrow slams into her, crushing every single dream and innocence Sera ever has in her bones. 

She inhales, breathing in the crisp cool air into her lungs. Her legs start to slow, urging her to stop and rest. 

"I don't want to see him ever again," Sera whispers brokenly as she sits near the water. "I hate him." 

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. . . 

The water laps at her leggings, so calm and so serene, so unlike the storm that's brewing within Sera. 

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. . . 

The moon rises high above her, the silver stars doing their usual dance. But Sera isn't paying attention to the scenery. 

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. . . 

"How could he do this to me?" she asks. 

She already knows the answer, though. It's because he's Junjie Williams, the most handsome and popular boy in school, and God forbid he feels guilty at all. 

"I hate him," Sera murmurs. "Bastard.

And that's when the tears start to spill. 

The hot burning feel in her throat, as Sera brushes away the tears, only to be overcome with more. She lets out a guttural sob, bottom lip quivering. 

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," Sera mumbles, looking around for something to punch. "I'm stupid." 

Because really, who would ever want someone like Sera? 

"I hate you!" Sera screams, her chest heaving. "I— you— I hate you!

She isn't sure who she's saying it to, exactly. 

Sam? Maybe. 

Junjie? Definitely. 

Life? Oh, hell yes. 

Sera's vision turns blurry once more, before she sniffles loudly, her hand coated with snot and tears. 

"Stop being— such a— freaking baby!" Sera sobs, hating the way her eyes prickles and waters. 

It irks her, really, how stupid she is. 

How she thought someone like Junjie — popular, handsome, slightly manipulative — would like Sera. 

Sera, who's stupid. Sera, who's sensitive. Sera, who cries a lot like a child. Sera, who's so so so desperate. 

Sera, who wishes that she can change to be a more perfect version of herself. 

"I can't believe you fell for it," Sera says, laughing brokenly. "Oh my God, Sera, you're so stupid." 

Then she buries her head into her thighs, hiccups racketing her body. 

Pathetic. The word chokes through her, venomous and poisonous, each syllable drowning itself deeper within her. You're absolutely pathetic, Sera Chang, 

"I honestly thought he liked me," Sera says to no one. "I mean, when he looked at me — it was like he believed that I was something special, a puzzle he can't solve." 

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