Chapter 11:

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To: Sera Chang 

From: anonymous 

Subject: for god's sake, are humans really this stupid? 

you think i'm the merman, don't you? come on, i didn't think that you were that stupid. 



* * * * 

To: anonymous 

From: Sera Chang 

Subject: I am not stupid. 

Well I do have a right to think you're a merperson, right? I mean, you did say "humans" as if you're not human yourself! 

And also— 

Maybe you're the one who's stupid. Because you can't even capitalize any of your letters. You're so stupid, you can't even write in good grammar. 

Sincerely, Sera. 

* * * * 

To: Sera Chang 

From: anonymous 

Subject: my god, help me. 

i am human, if that's what you're wondering (which you most likely are, based on how many questions you're offering me) and what i meant by that sentence is that i'm not a normal human. 

i function like everyone. 

but i'm so much more clever than those other humans. 

an fyi, i don't cap my words just because. 



* * * * 

To: anonymous 

From: Sera Chang 

Subject: I am low-key confused. 

Wait. . . 

So you're saying you're a human yet you say you're more clever than everyone else? How does that even work?


Or maybe— 

You're just stupid and you think your stupidness is smart! So therefore, everyone else is stupid to you, when really, all human beings are so much smarter than you! 

Sincerely, Sera. 

* * * * 

To: Sera Chang 

From: anonymous 

Subject: humans. 

oh, for god's sake! just let me help you already! and by the way, my iq test is really high (and no, i did not hack into the iq test machine, though being the smart guy i am, i could possibly do that). 

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