[Bic & Minjae] First Date

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Bic's POV

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Bic's POV

"Okay." She said.

"Okay?" I said, incredulous.

"Yeah, sure." She gave me a smile. "I'd love to go to a movie with you."

"Really?" I grinned sheepishly. I really should stop acting like an idiot. She just agreed to go out with me! The girl I've been crushing on agreed to go on a date with me. "All right, then."

She nodded and we just smiled at each other. I gotta stop being awkward, too and say something.

"Right." I chuckled and she did the same. "Uhm...right."

She laughed. "Right. So Saturday?"

"Yeah." I said. "Do you wanna go to the one inside the mall? We could eat after or something."

"Sure." She answered. "I'll be there Saturday at ten."

I've known Jihye for a couple of years now. We're acquainted, but we aren't really that close. More like, from what I know, she doesn't hang out with people like me. I mean, we seem to like totally different things. But that's just my impression.

As much as I want Saturday to come by quickly, I dread that I will make a fool out of myself or that maybe she wouldn't like me as much. I'm afraid I'll be right about us having completely nothing in common.

But having thoughts like that didn't stop me from going to the mall to meet her. I'm the one who invited her, after all and she actually accepted the invitation.

I was half an hour early and there isn't really much to do except to stand around and watch people walk by. Being too early just made me even more nervous. The wait was tormenting that I started to question if this is really a good idea.

Thankfully, before I could change my mind and walk out there, Jihye arrived five minutes before ten.

"Hey," she said. "I'm sorry. Did you wait long?"

"No." I answered. "It's fine. You're early, anyways."

"Yeah, I don't really like being late for anything so..." She shrugged.

"Really? Me too."

She smiled and I can't help but smile back. "So have you seen the schedule for the horror movie we're going to watch?"

Right. I should've done that in my thirty-minute spare time, instead of being worried on how this date will turn out.

"I haven't yet." I said.

"That's fine. Let's take a look together."

We went to the ticket counter and found out that the movie we were gonna watch isn't in for another hour. I wish I looked up the schedule on the internet first before deciding the time of our meetup. Now what do we do? I try to act cool and look as if I wasn't freaking out. I'm afraid she'll get bored until then. But wait, isn't this the whole purpose of a date? I don't expect us to just go to the movies and not talk at all, right? I sighed. "So do you wanna grab something to eat first or...?

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