[Win] Can I Help You?

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I felt something hit the back of my head twice now

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I felt something hit the back of my head twice now. I ignored it as I tried to focus on the discussion about some mathematical equation by Mr. Kim. I never get why we should study a lot of formulas that tells you how shapes are measured or why we should know the numerical size of a slope if most of us aren't going to use it in our careers a few years from now; but really though, what profession actually requires to know those things?

A third one hit my temples this time and I turned and saw Bang Junhyuk nodding at the three pieces of crumpled paper that fell on the floor. I picked them up and smoothen them all before reading, with great effort:

(1)Yena-yah, lend me a pen. Mine ran out of ink

(2)Yah! My seat mate won't lend meeee

(3)Pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen
Pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen
Pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen
Pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen
Pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen
Pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen

The last one was incomprehensible but it pointed out the fading ink of his balky pen. I sighed and took out the only extra pen I brought which is a purple one with a fuzzy wire shaped like a butterfly at the bottom, it matched the pink one I'm currently using. I passed it to him and waited a second to see his reaction to my too-girly pen but he doesn't seem to mind and he started taking notes from the white board without even glancing back at me.

At lunch, my friends confronted me.

"I saw that at math." Yoojung said. "Why do you always tolerate him. He'll never learn."

"His pen ran out of ink." I countered.

Both of my friends sighed. "And you believed that? He's just messing with people because he wants attention."

"At first I thought he likes you because honestly it was kinda cute of him asking you for things all the time," Seola said. "But then I noticed he was asking others before he asks you so all those he-likes-my-friend thingy all went away from my head."

"Not to mention he sometimes asks for unreasonable things," Yoojung added, eyeing me. "Like when it was his turn to clean the gym after PE but then he asks you to clean with him and you gladly helped."

"What do you expect me to say?" I protested. "He asked me for help and it would be rude to decline."

"Seriously, why are you too kind!" Seola said. "By now, everybody rejects him because it gets really annoying eventually."

"And honestly, you're the only one who does everything he says."

"To the point where I wonder if you'd jump if he says so."

Before I could defend myself, Junhyuk entered the classroom, shouting theatrically, "I didn't know we have History homework!"

"Here we go again," Yoojung rolled her eyes.

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