[Win] Happy Hearts

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Lia's POV

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Lia's POV

South Korea
10 years ago

"You're so quiet." Mom asked.

"I'm just tired." I answered. It's easier to say now. My friends had been asking me if I'm okay for the past few days.

My parents just got divorced and at the age of 8, it's really hard to accept. Why can't they just love each other like they always do? I've never even thought that something was wrong. Because we were happy, the three of us-Dad, Mom, and me. Or maybe I was the only one happy. Now, it's just Mom and me. Ever since Dad left to France, the house felt empty even though we're only one person less.

"Lia, you know your Dad and I love you so much. It's just that-"

"I know, Mom." I interrupted. "You've already said that a million times."

My mom sighed and she studied me. "Why don't you go outside and play with your friends?"

Play. When I hear that word, I used to get excited. It meant running around the field with my Dad or laughing with my friends. Now, it sounds dull. Now, it means pushing my food around my plate or thoughtlessly circling my fingers through my hair.

But I nodded and stood up from the dining table.

I went out to the playground near the house. It was almost completely deserted and there's something with the smell in air that I couldn't figure out. I sat on one of the swings, watched a bird peck at the ground, and I cried.

I cried actual tears, all by myself, in the middle of the vacant park. I wasn't sure why. Well, I know why. I felt sad and estranged with my new life and I have to cope up with that at such a young age. But why am I crying now? Why here?

I closed my eyes and there was that smell again. I took in the scent around me. It wasn't the ground nor the trees. It was that smell that distracted me, possibly in a good way. What's with it that made me stop crying?

"Hi." Said a voice behind me.

I snapped my head around, startled, and watched a boy approach me. He looks pretty, with his small face and petite figure. He's almost the same age as me. Or maybe he is.

"Uhm.." I started and I noticed a box in his hands.

"These are for you." He said.

"Are you sure you're supposed to give it to me?" I asked, bewildered. I don't know this boy. And even though he's also a kid, my parents taught me to be cautious of everything. "I don't think we know each other."

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