[Win] Meeting Trouble

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A/N: This one shot is a special chapter on the other book that I'm writing: ONE DAY || MCNDThere is obviously more to this story throughout that book so please check it out if you want (>‿◕)~•~•~•~•~•~

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

A/N: This one shot is a special chapter on the other book that I'm writing: ONE DAY || MCND
There is obviously more to this story throughout that book so please check it out if you want (>‿◕)

Junhyuk's POV

I sat back down on my chair after I took my test result from the teacher's table. I somehow managed to pass all subjects this time and that's great improvement.

I listen to the cram school teacher as she calls out each of the other students' names. By the time she reached the end of her list, we all know who she hasn't called yet.

"Again, we have someone who got perfect scores for all subjects." She said enthusiastically, nothing like how she called the rest of us. "Everyone, let's clap our hands for..." Choo Aera. "...Choo Aera." She said at the same time her name came to my thoughts.

From the very first exam here in cram school to this very last, Choo Aera never made a mistake so all of us know who she is. She's from a different school and I never really talked to her. It's not like I want or need to.

I picked up my bag after the class finished at 9pm. This is the last day of cram school for this school year and there's only the final exam left before I become an 8th grader.

"Bang Junhyuk!" One of the girls who I never really bothered to remember the name of called. I sighed as I turned around. "Are you going home? Do you wanna go grab some snack first?"

"No." I said. The word comes naturally now because I've said it at least a hundred timed already for this kind of situation.

"Come on! We won't be seeing each other until spring." I can tell that she's overreacting with her facial expression. I hate girls like this. I hate girls, period. They're just so annoying.

"I'm good." I just said and continued walking.

Not even a second later, I felt the girl's hand circle my arm. I pulled back and gave her a look. She pouted. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Just this once, please?" She said.

"No." I walked away and, thankfully, she didn't try to follow.

I always go to the rooftop before going home. It's cold at this time of the year, but I still go.

A few minutes later, I heard the rooftop door open. When I glanced at it, I saw Choo Aera closing it behind her. She looks startled but she slightly bowed in acknowledgement. I return the gesture, then turned back around to look at the scenery of tall, well lighted buildings.

"The night view here is very pretty, isn't it?" Aera said. She stood a few feet away from me and I almost want to walk further away. It's always like this. They thought they can have a few small talks with me, then the next day they could invite me to have dinner with them or something.

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