The End of the Beginning

Start from the beginning

Camila watched, her uniform still buttoned up and perfect as Mike Jauregui sat in the holding cell on floor 2. Her and Ally were talking with Santiago when the elevator doors opened and in strolled Lauren.

"Where's my father?" She said, rather calmly, as she saw Sergeant Jeffords desk near the entrance.

"In holding. We need to process him before we can post bail."

"Great. I'll just wait then." Lauren huffed and walked into the break room with a scowl. She glanced at Camila and frowned.

"Don't you dare." Ally muttered when Camila smirked. "You get us sued, you can kiss your career goodbye Mila."

Camila sank down in her chair and pouted at her coffee cup. Santiago rolled her eyes fondly before heading back into the bullpen.

"I can feel your smugness from here Cabello." Lauren drawled after the silence dragged on. She lounged on the sofa, with one arm tucked behind her head.

"Smugness? Nope, not here." Camila responded.

"Mila..." Ally warned.

"Yeah Mila, watch it." Lauren said, moving over to the table and sipping on Camila's coffee.

"That's my coffee." Camila sighed, biting her tongue to say anything vaguely antagonistic.

"And now it's mine. I see you bought that old Firebird." Lauren said carefully, watching Camila closely.

"Well it was just such a good price." Camila replied blankly.

"I just think you liked pressing me up against it." Lauren purred. "And if you hadn't locked up my dad, you might've had a repeat performance one day... just without the handcuffs"

"Charlie. Locked up your dad. Not me." Camila corrected. Lauren hummed and tilted her head.

"No response for anything else I see." Lauren pointed out with a smirk. "You were there. And from what I heard, you busted my dad's little affair."

Camila twitched; they might be a crime family but they were still all family, and being exposed as a cheater is never good on anyone. She was firmly ignoring the way Lauren had ignited a small fire in her chest.

"Who'd you hear that from?"

"I have my sources. Just like I expect you had yours." Lauren replied with an indifferent shrug.

"This was bound to happen eventually." Camila said, folding her arms and leaning back in her chair.

"How so?"

"You can't be lucky forever."

"It's not luck. It's skill; honed over years of practice." Lauren corrected, her eyes narrowing.

"Then he needed more practice."

"Mila." Ally said firmly.

"Come on Ally, we all heard Jauregui Sr. was losing his touch. Why else would he be stepping down?" Camila said with a tight smile.

"I'm going to enjoy paying his bail. Watching your face do that cute thing when you get frustrated. It's going to be glorious." Lauren said, leaning across the table slightly.

"And I am going to enjoy him losing his trial." Camila said with a smirk.

"Fuck. You."

"In your dreams Jauregui."


Camila tried not to give her the satisfaction of getting annoyed when Lauren did indeed pay her father's bail.

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