2 Chapter 1: Cracking.

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Darkness surrounded her, nothing can be seen for miles. Then suddenly harsh winds blew out of nowhere. She stood her ground, hoping not to fall. She had no idea what was happening, no idea what this was.

She was scared.

Then infront of her, four red eyes and a mouth appeared. She stood tall, confident and stoic, trying to hide the fear in her.

"Hello father." She said casually.

"Daughter! You are a disgrace, do you really think you can keep me locked up here forever. You will break, you are WEAK, just like your mother."

"You call me weak, but you're the one trapped." She says with full pride.

"I will get out, and when I do, I will destroy your world and all the worthless humans. I will kill your pathetic friends, and that boy you care about. I. Will. Kill. Them. All." He says angrily.

When he said that he will kill Damian, something snapped inside her. His words triggered her.

She lost control.

Four red eyes appeared on her face. Her skin turned blood red and she glowed purple.

"You will not harm any of them. Not this world, not my friends, not him. NO ONE, you will do nothing but rot in your cage." She said with a demonic voice.

"We will see daughter. We will see." With that the four red eyes and mouth disappeared leaving a demonic Raven there.

She shut her eyes tight, trying to get away from wherever she was.

When she opened her eyes sunlight greeted her from her windows, she adjusted to the light of her room or what she thought was her room.

She tried to move but once she made one movement ghe arm on her waist tightened it's hold on her.

She looked over her shoulder to reveal her sleeping boyfriend. She finally realized that she was in his room.

She turned her body to face him properly.
She caressed his cheek with her hand which caused him to slowly wake up. He slowly opened his eyes to reveal his beautiful emerald eyes that immediately met her amethyst ones. He leaned to her touch, feeling the warmth of her palm against his cheek.

"Good morning, my love." He greeted with a warm smile.

"Good morning." She replied returning the smile.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks. She nods in response.

"How about you?" She asks back. "Definitely! As long as I have you by my side every night I sleep, I will always sleep well." He says.

This caused the mage to chuckle.

Damian took in every detail of her face, but once he got to her forehead his expression changed. Raven quickly noticed it. "What's wrong?" She asks confused and concerned.

"Raven.....your gem....." He trails off.

"What? What happened?" She asks.

"Its cracking." He says worried.

"What?!" She exclaimed, she immediately gets out of bed and went to his mirror.

When she got to the mirror her eyes widened of shock when she saw the small crack on the gem on her forehead.

Damian stayed at his bed and just watched her.

Why is this happening? What's causing this? Is he getting free? Why?

So many questions popped in her head in panic.

She was so lost in thoughts that she didn't see Damian leave his bed to go behind her and wrap his arms around her petite figure.

His touch brought her out of her trance.

"Look we will find the reason for what's causing this but for now can we just go back to bed and snuggle." He says honestly. His cheek touching hers.

"Fine, but I will need to find out what's wrong with this gem." She says looking at him through the mirror.

"Yeah yeah, come on." He says carrying her to his bed. She just giggled at the action.

Raven will need to find out what's happening but for now, it's time for cuddle.

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